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但把他的病说成医学上的精神错乱是不对的。But to call him medically insane is not right.

通常采用药物或手术即可治疗。It is often medically or surgically treatable.

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医学上来说,什么是濒死体验呢?Medically speaking, what is a near-death experience?

所以就医学上来讲,他已经905的复原了。So medically speaking he's up to 90 percent healed, " he said.

剃掉这些毛毛都是医学的需要吗?Is it at all medically beneficial to remove the hair down there?

每10个四岁的孩子中就有1个有医学上的肥胖症状。One in ten four-year-olds are also medically classified as obese.

总体而言,这是很久以来最好的一次季前集训伤病报告。Overall, this has been the best pre-season medically for a long time.

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肌痛可能是不舒服,但医生说,他们是无害的。Myalgias may be uncomfortable, but, medically speaking, they're harmless.

药用于某些病症,例如癌症,痔疮,蛇咬,瘫痪,水肿等。Medically it is used for diseases like cancer, piles, snakebite, paralysis.

从医学角度讲,晕船是一种运动病。Medically speaking seasickness is a variation of motion sickness or kinetosis.

从医学角度来讲,晕船是运动病或者晕动症的变异。Medically speaking, sea sickness is a variation of motion sickness or kinetosis.

治疗师们不能开药方,因为他们不一定具备医疗资格。Therapists cannot prescribe drugs as they are not necessarily medically qualified.

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除母乳之外,不给新生儿喂任何其它食物或饮料,除非遵医嘱。Give newborn infants no food or drink other than breast milk unless medically indicated.

这两个理由是一个医学上能够证明的疾病或者学生的直系亲属身亡。Those were a medically certifiable illness or a death in the student's immediate family.

产科套餐是否包括剖腹生产服务?Caesarian section, if it is medically indicated and justified, is covered by the Package.

遗传秃顶,医学上称为男性秃头症,三分之一的男人都有类似的问题。Heredity baldness, medically known as androgenetic alopecia, affects up to one third of men.

我是在怀孕三个月时流产的,所以无论从医学上还是社会上来看,这都算不上是一件大事。It had been a first-trimester miscarriage, so medically and societally, it was almost a nonevent.

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像这类遭遇显示了社区医学服务不周到的结果。Encounters of this kind have revealed to me the consequences of medically underserved communities.

在另一个实验中,科学家将研究有太空中与医学有关的蛋白质结晶。In another, scientists will investigate the crystallisation of medically relevant proteins in space.

对于身体残障人士,必须通过制定特殊计划来帮助和关怀他们。Special plans must be made to assist and care for persons who are medically disabled or handicapped.