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他在称赞中溺死了“。He drowned in the ovation.

观众全体起立,祝贺演出成功。The performance received a standing ovation.

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那位大提琴家的独奏获到观众起立鼓掌喝采。The cellist's solo was applauded with a standing ovation.

当他起立发言时,响起了经久不息的掌声。When he rose to speak, he was accorded a prolonged ovation.

众议院的两党议员都起立向她的到来致意。She received a standing ovation from both sides of the House.

小民在第七局两人出局的情况下离场,全场起立欢呼致意。Wang left with two outs in the seventh to a standing ovation.

梅纽因表演伴随着15分钟长时间起立鼓掌。Menuhin's playing was attended by a 15-minute standing ovation.

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后来,他在数千代表的热烈欢迎中返回。He cameback later to an ovation from the thousands of delegates.

在最近的30岁生日爬梯上,我就完美的演绎了这首歌,赢得掌声一片。I got a standing ovation when I did that at a 30th birthday party recently.

奥普拉·温弗瑞登场时,观众起立鼓掌致意。The crowd gave Oprah Winfrey a standing ovation when she walked on the stage.

帕默走进了酒店的宴会厅,受到了他的支持者们情绪激动的喝彩。Palmer enters the hotel’s banquet room to a rousing ovation from his supporters.

可是再冷的天都阻挡不了年轻人玩闹的热情。But again cold skies of all obstruct not the youth man has fun a standing ovation making.

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在人们长时间的起立鼓掌中,这个中后卫无法控制住泪水的流下。The centre -back could not hold back the tears and said farewell amid a standing ovation.

你能管住第三营么?刚被我训练过,心气可高。Can you a standing ovation a third camp?Just was trained by me, the heart spirit was tall.

半场休息时,切赫走入球场问候球迷,受到了极其热烈的欢迎。At half- time Cech walks round the pitch and speaks to the crowd, all to a massive ovation.

卡塔尔队最后一个入场,他们的队伍受到了观众长时间起立鼓掌欢迎。Qatar's march-in wrapped up the parade, winning over a standing- ovation for the spectators.

我站起来发言时,他们长时间起立热烈鼓掌。When I stood up to speak, they responded with an enthusiastic and prolonged standing ovation.

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抵达最高人民会议会场,受到他的部长们长时间的热烈欢迎。Mr Kim arrived in the Supreme People's Assembly to a standing ovation from his fellow ministers.

昨晚,在赫尔辛堡主场奥林匹亚体育场,面对球迷长时间的掌声时,拉尔森不禁热泪盈眶。It was a tearful Larsson who faced a standing ovation at Helsingborg's Olympia stadium last night.

所有人都起立致敬,掌声雷动,充斥着整个运动场,都忘记了这是一个保持沉默许诺。Applause at this Promise Keepers event swelled to a thunderous standing ovation across the stadium.