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可敬的平底船船夫!Highly respectable gondoliers!

听人说这条街是很体面的呢。I'm told this street is respectable.

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向文明游客致敬!Hats off to those respectable travelers!

尊敬的评委、老师们,你们好!Good morning, respectable judges, teachers.

没有婚姻,一个人也能过着值得尊敬的生活。One can live a respectable life without it.

周谷城是受人敬重的教育家。Zhou Gucheng is a respectable educationist.

大家不认为电影是个受尊敬的学科。Film was not considered a respectable subject.

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他爷爷是个令人尊敬的老教授。Her grandfather is a respectable old professor.

什么使得权力合法化并让人敬仰?What renders authority legitimate or respectable?

不要对一个可尊敬的护士长那样讲话。Don' t talk to a respectable head nurse like that.

他是名门望族的直系后裔。He is lineally descended from a respectable family.

我的可亲可爱可敬的父母亲。These are my kindly, lovely and respectable parents.

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但当我开始的时候,所有人都对此不以为然。But when I started that was certainly not respectable.

他穿上外衣,围上围巾,戴上那顶体面的圆顶帽。He put on his coat, his scarf, and his respectable hat.

他把司机的天职发挥到可敬佩的程度。He put the driver's bounden duty to respectable degree.

他在学校的成绩尚好,但并非卓越。His record in school was respectable but not brilliant.

这些年它已成了一种挺体面的类型小说。As a genre it has become quire respectable in recent years.

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他是一位可敬的老师,因此我们都尊敬他。He 1s a respectable teacher. so we are all respectful to him.

谁能料到一个可敬的65岁老人会是杀人凶手。Nobody expected a respectable 65 year-old man to be a killer.

现在我小得连做一个像样的人都不够了。Why, there's hardly enough of me left to make one respectable.