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烤,烘或加香料水煮。Broil, bake or poach it with dill

加小茴香的鸡蛋是传统的仲夏节食品。Eggs with dill are a traditional Midsummer food.

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酸柠檬奶油酱,烟熏三文鱼,新鲜莳萝。Lemon-mascarpone cream, smoked salmon, fresh dill.

你不想永远没有腌莳萝对吗?You don’t want to ever run out of dill pickles, right?

因为你们将薄荷,茴香,芹菜,献上十分之一。You give a tenth of your spices--mint, dill and cummin.

盐,胡椒粉,莳萝,大蒜粉,桂皮粉,Ellen?。Salt, pepper, dill weed, garlic powder, cinnamon. Ellen?

把莳萝洒在黄瓜片上,来做三明治添料。Sprinkle dill on sliced cucumber to make a sandwich filling.

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烟熏类—三文鱼,鲜贝,鳗鱼,莳萝冻。Assiette from the smoke oven – Salmon, scallop, eel, dill aspic.

顺着雨丝飘下的,还有凌空生长的绿萝。Floating down the rain down, there is green dill growing in air.

在耀眼的街灯下我看得出迪尔又在打鬼主意。In the glare from the street-light, I could see Dill hatching one.

将保留下来的刁草叶剁碎,以备装饰。Finely chop the reserved dill leaves and keep the rest for garnishing.

同样地,您还可以做小茴香、红萝卜和其他美味素菜。The same thing goes for carrots with dill sauce and other gourmet veggies.

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辣根末、莳萝腌黄瓜和法式炸薯条是标准的佐餐食品。Horseradish, dill pickles, and french fries are the standard accompaniments.

加入意大利熏火腿,菠菜和莳萝,搅拌混合。Add the prosciutto, spinach and dill to the pasta mixture and toss to combine.

我们还在吃着,车夫走上来说,‘来点莳萝泡菜吧。’And while we were eating the coachman came up. 'Have a dill pickle, ' he said.

搭配熏三文鱼佐以莳萝、龙蒿或梨子沙拉味道鲜美可口。Smoked salmon with creamy dill and tarragon dressing or proscuttio and pear salad.

莳萝子被广泛用于酸洗以及德国、俄罗斯和斯堪的纳维亚等国的菜肴中。Dill Seeds are widely used in pickling as well as in German, Russian, and Scandinavian dishes.

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酸黄瓜是通过把黄瓜和诸如小茴香籽的成分放在充满盐水的桶中而制得的。Pickles are produced by placing cucumbers and such components as dill seeds in casks filled with a brine.

盐,胡椒,洋葱,胡萝卜块,莳萝杆,桂叶——这就是我们上汤的原料了。Salt, pepper, onion, cut carrots, dill stalks and bay leafs – species and vegetables for the first broth.

茴香与莳萝是伞形花科不同属的两种蔬菜作物,两者的果实形状明显不同。Fennel and dill show fruit shapes obviously different, they belong to two different genera of Umbeliferae.