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第二,说明未满足的需求意味着什么。Second, explain what this unmet need means.

遥不可及的期望——父母自己未能满足的童年愿望Hang-over wishes – parents' own unmet childhood wishes

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这是找出问题,发现未满足需要的又一个途径。This is another way to pinpoint problems and detect unmet needs.

分析显示未满足的需要和忽视日益增加。The analysis reveals a picture of growing unmet needs and neglect.

你认为软件管理方面还有未满足的需求么?Do you think there is an unmet need for books about software management?

我确信婚姻中的头号问题就是期望未满。I’m convinced that the number one problem in marriage is unmet expectations.

Ropers告诉与会者说,诸如地中海贫血等基因疾病和特定类型的智力缺陷被忽视了,它们是“临床遗传学没有解决的最大挑战”。are being ignored and that they are the "biggest unmet challenge in clinical genetics".

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当然,未满足的需求仍然巨大,但卫生工作从未获得过如此大量的财富。Certainly, there are still huge unmet needs, but health has never before seen such wealth.

他们往往聚集在需求未满足和能力未开发的边缘地。They tend to gather on the edges where unmet needs intersect with unexploited capabilities.

我很快地看向别处,对我来说他的目光里似乎带着某种得不到满足的渴望。As I looked swiftly away, it seemed to me that his glance held some kind of unmet expectation.

晚期帕金森患者中持续多巴胺能药物应用不能满足治疗需要。Continuous dopaminergic drug delivery is an unmet medical need in advanced Parkinson's disease.

学习如何做真正的、世界一流的商业研究,去填补那些尚未被人发现的空白。Learn how to do real, world-class business research, to find out what unmet needs you can fill.

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Grameen银行的故事说明分析未被满足的需求如何可以产生一个有前途的新点子。The story of Grameen Bank illustrates how analysis of unmet needs can lead to a promising new idea.

做个图来帮助自己更清晰,更全面地理解客户需求的演变或未能满足的需求。Create a map to clearly and more completely understand the evolving or unmet needs of your customers.

相反,他们得到了“情感得不到满足的“的信号,要求伴侣必须给予满足。Instead, they experience them as signals of unmet "emotional needs" that their partners must gratify.

如果您的应用程序使用所有可用的连接,则大多数连接都可能有一个需求未能满足。If your application uses all available connections, there may be an unmet demand for more connections.

基辛格预言,一个互联的世界,将不断地被教人不安份的意识形态和难以实现的期望所激荡。Kissinger foresaw an interconnected world incessantly roiled by unsettling ideologies and unmet expectations.

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始终会有未满足的需求,但卫生过去从未得到如此大的关注或享有过如此多的财富。There will always be unmet needs. But health has never before received such attention or enjoyed such wealth.

尽管过去30年中避孕药具的使用增加了,但各区域仍有大量需求未得到满足。Despite the increase in contraceptive use over the past 30 years, significant unmet needs remain in all regions.

只有在未满足需求最大的国家取得重大进展,方能实现“三五”目标。The "3 by 5" target can only be reached if major progress is made in the countries with the greatest unmet need.