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没有事实根据,是不正确的。It is baseless and not correct.

永生会变作无稽的梦想。The Life Eternal but a baseless dream?

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是错误的,没有根据的。Ote of me is completely wrong and baseless.

卡夫方面宣称这些所谓的违约时无依据的。Kraft says all these alleged breaches are baseless.

马沙告诉我,“很多人都在公开宣传,伊朗有意要攻击和侵略以色列,这些都是负面宣传,没有事实根据,是不正确的。That’s just negative publicity. It is baseless and not correct.

上月,缅甸政府斥责这些担心是“毫无根据的”。The government of Myanmar last month dismissed the claims as "baseless."

我要强调的是,不存在预谋,声称谋杀是荒谬的,毫无根据。Again, absence of premeditation, there claim of murder is absurd and baseless.

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科索沃政府谴责这项调查结果是“毫无根据和诽谤的”。The Kosovan government has denounced its findings as "baseless and defamatory".

这位发言人说所谓引用尤素福政治同盟的话的报道是没有根据的。The spokesman said the reports quoting Mr Yusuf's political allies were baseless.

但是许多研究已经证实这些自己进行练习的技术是没有根据的。But several studies have concluded that many of these do-it-yourself techniques are baseless.

由此,李政道、杨振宁的那篇获诺贝尔物理学奖的论文,也就完全丧失了立论依据。Yang's paper, by which they were awarded the 1957 Nobel Prize for Physics , will be utterly baseless.

事实上,中俄两国的关系要比俄罗斯民族主义分子那些毫无根据的恐惧有意思得多。In reality, the relationship is far more fascinating than the baseless fears of Russia's nationalists.

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五矿集团说,文章的这些说法是没有根据的,而且记者从来没有向五矿集团寻求过置评。Minmetals said the claims were baseless and that the reporter never even asked Minmetals for a comment.

有关草酸结石和铁负荷过量的毒性报告,也被认为是无根据的。About the noxiousness report of oxalic acid stone and iron bear excessive, also be considered as baseless.

尤其令我们难堪的是,他正带着浓重的种族主义腔调在回应一个无根据的攻打缘由。It was particularly galling to us that it was in answer to a baseless attack with heavy racial undertones.

巴基斯坦拒绝接受这些缺乏依据和不负责任的指责、以及这些指责背后的态度和倾向。Pakistan rejects these baseless and irresponsible allegations and the attitude and proclivity behind them.

在他们看来,左翼人士所展望的对大众的最终教育和解放不过是没有任何根据的幻想。The eventual education and emancipation of the demos envisioned by the Left is a baseless hope in their eyes.

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科索沃政府表示,此类耸人听闻的诽谤之前就已经调查过,最后证明是空穴来风。Such slanderous allegations have been investigated before, says Kosovo's government, and found to be baseless.

伊朗外交部说,这些指称毫无根据,是企图破坏俄伊关系。Iran's Foreign Ministry says the allegations are baseless and are aimed at undermining Russian-Iranian relations.

这是亳无根据的指责,完全不应出自一名首相之口,因为它不符事实。This is a baseless allegation completely unworthy of the Prime Minister as nothing could be further from the truth.