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甚至可以缩写Y或。N You can even abbreviate and put Y or N.

她决定把她冗长的演讲缩短。She decided to abbreviate her long speech.

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此外,他开始使用缩写词。And, furthermore, he started to abbreviate.

我们将把“有方向的图”简称为方向图。We shall abbreviate "directed graph" to digraph.

让您的文章易于阅读,不缩写词。Make your article easy to read and do not abbreviate words.

把不重要是删除,对该文章进行缩写。If delete, do not weigh, undertake abbreviate to this article.

译缟在正式写作中,缩写单词很少被接受。It is seldom acceptable to abbreviate words in formal writing.

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因为你要为曾经的“缩写”做出补偿!Cause you have to make up for the letters you abbreviate somehow!

北大西洋公约组织常被缩写成NATO。NATO is how you abbreviate the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

在论文中作者们选择了这个氨基酸序列的缩写形式。and there the authors chose to abbreviate the amino acid sequence.

您要我将这些字中的哪些字缩写成电报?Which of these words do you want me to abbreviate for the telegram?

我喜欢缩写我的名字,因为这样人们更容易记住。I like to abbreviate my name because it's easier for people to remember.

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我喜欢缩写我的名字,因为这样人们更容易记忆。I like to abbreviate my name because it's easier for people to remember.

请详细说明你们公司方面的细节,注意不要缩写销售场所。Please explain everything in detail and do not abbreviate your sales pitch.

这也是世界汽车市场激烈竞争场面的缩写。This also is world car market the abbreviate of intense competition occasion.

当地人传统上不会把它缩写为“罗。村”或简写为“罗伊斯顿”。Traditionally, locals do not abbreviate it to "R. V. " or abridge it to "Royston".

缩写业务状态的一个地址,并说明它列在第二位。Abbreviate the business state in one of the addresses, and spell it out in the second.

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我用“完全消失”这个短语来略称上面描述的这种情况。I will abbreviate this bleak description by saying that you will be totally destroyed.

短暂的幸福感消散了。她怀着一颗粉碎的心回到家中。The abbreviate feeling of beatitude abolished, and she came back home with a torn affection.

这个自旋磁量子数我们把它简写成m下标s,以和m小标l有所区分。And this spin magnetic quantum number we abbreviate as m sub s, so that's to differentiate from m sub l.