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灰灰的暗。Dark gray.

小灰鸽?Little gray pigeon?

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一堆灰色块状物。A pile of gray nuggets.

腌肉易变成灰暗色。Cured meat becomes gray.

现在我年纪大了,级别高了。Now I'm gray and august.

她穿着灰色地衣衣。She was dressed in gray.

这套深灰色的怎么样?How about this dark gray?

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灰色椭圆形是小型飞船。The gray oval is a blimp.

你看这些青砖。Look at these gray bricks.

红尘深处,雾蔼苍苍。Red Dust deep gray fog Oi.

这只灰色无釉的坛子。The jar was gray and bare.

道林格雷的画像。The Picture of Dorian Gray.

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你的乌发是否过早的变白了?Are you going gray too early?

这个和尚穿着灰色的僧袍。This monk wears a gray frock.

他背后躺着灰色的亚速尔岛Behind him lay the gray Azores

帮我拔白头发好不好?。Can you pull out my gray hair?

灰口铸铁的热处理。Gray cast iron heat treatment.

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格雷出生在俄亥俄的坎顿。Gray was born in Canton, Ohio.

底毛为浅黄色或灰色。The undercoat is buff or gray.

我依旧穿着自己的那件深灰色的外套。I still wore my dark gray suit.