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对我们来说,这是纯粹的务实性。For us, it was sheer practicality.

从实战中学习。Hong Kong NTO, learn from practicality.

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不仅是一件精致的工艺品,而且实用性很强。It is not only a craftwork but also have practicality.

在这个房间中,只能看到些微的实用色彩。There are only small glimmers of practicality in the room.

所以我们克服实际性想法的途径就是So the way we overcome the screaming voice of practicality is

你的主意很有创意,但我对它的实用性有存疑。Your idea seems inventive enough, but I doubt its practicality.

这个故事将幻想和现代生活实际情况相结合.The story combines fantasy with the practicality of modern life.

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这本书所独有的特点就是其讲求实际的实用性。The unique feature of this book is its down-to-earth practicality.

它所有的工程理论,但我们将会看到它如何在各项工作的实践性。It all works in theory but we'll see how it all works in practicality.

灰色使人联想到忧郁,权威,实用性和企业精神。Gray evokes somberness, authority, practicality and a corporate mentality.

它也会把主题改为强调家庭的中心价值和实用性。Instead it will emphasise the heartland values of family and practicality.

本文研究结果对光纤光栅地震检波器的实用有一定的参考价值。The results are very helpful to the fiber Bragg grating geophones' practicality.

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而这种撰著哲学史的客观态度,又与其史学经世意识密切相关。And the kind of objective manner accorded with his consciousness of practicality.

克肖美和实用性结合在一个惊人的一致厨房餐具。Kershaw combines beauty and practicality in one stunning line of kitchen cutlery.

中国草编艺术因其图案精巧和实用性而受到喜爱。China' s woven straw items are popular for their elegant designs and practicality.

这听起来有一点极客,但是这个习惯大部分是有绝对实用性的。Partly, it's a geek macho thing, but a large part of the habit is sheer practicality.

党的先进性是与阶级性、群众性、时代性和实践性的统一。The advance of the Party is united with the class nature, mass, era and practicality.

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经对工程实例验算,验证了本研究的可靠性和实用性。Their reliability and practicality are tested and verified by an engineering example.

其主要有四方面特色,即平等、守信、务实、开放。They share four key features, namely, equality, good faith, practicality and openness.

通过对三连杆机械臂的仿真验证了其有效性及实用性。And its validity and practicality are validated by the simulation to a three-link robot.