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我们还侵占它们的栖息地,铺路盖房子。Or pave their habitats.

你们也可以铺出路来。You too can pave the way.

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这里怎么铺的是白沙啊?But why they pave white sand here ?

这条路的铺设材料是石头。Stone is the pavement to pave this road.

镀白金色手镯镶有透明密镶水晶。Rhodium-plated bangle in clear crystal pavé.

两颗雨点坠饰镶有透明密镶水晶。Two rain drops dangle in clear crystal pavé.

我们都要尽自己的全力为灾区人民的未来铺设新的道路。We all can help pave a new road for the future.

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我们的主人巫妖王就是被创造出来为它们的到来铺平道路的。Our master was created to pave the way for its arrival.

光阴荏苒,我们也在不断地加快步伐。We quickened our pave more and more as the time sped by.

现在名称的变更为拆分铺平了道路。The change of name will now pave the way for the demerger.

沥青,柏油一种含沥青物质,如沥青,用于铺路。A bituminous material, such as asphalt, used to pave roads.

我相信这个条约将为欧洲的和平铺平道路。I believe this treaty will pave the way to peace in Europe.

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他们的经济政策为工业发展铺平了道路。Their economic policy pave the way for industrial expansion.

铑被镀的别针与被纠缠的清楚水晶铺圈。Rhodium-plated brooch with entwined clear crystal pavé loops.

那就为新婚燕尔的奥多姆顶替他首发铺平了道路。That would pave the way for newlywed Odom to start in his place.

我们共同一砖一瓦地铺设一条通往公平正义的路。We pave the sunlit path toward justice together, brick by brick.

但是瓶玻璃可磨成沙,用于铺路的街道。But bottle glass can be ground into sand and used to pave streets.

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英勇的织工已把人行道变成了他们主人的坟墓。Our pave weavershave turned their pavement grave of their slave-owners.

心形透明密镶水晶耳钉足以让你心动。The heart-shaped studs in clear crystal pavé will make your heart melt.

这将为奥巴马不久后宣布美国的减排目标铺平了道路。That would pave the way for Obama to announce the US targets soon after.