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妈咪,对不起。Sorry, Mommy.

宝贝,把它给妈妈。Give it to mommy.

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告诉我的妈妈我有多爱她。Tell my Mommy I love her.

请让我回去,妈妈。Please let me go back, Mommy.

妈妈说我可以带着自己的洋娃娃。Mommy says I can take my doll.

妈妈先给你的碗里盛一些米饭。Mommy will give you some rice.

那麽,我也是个聪明的妈妈啰!Then, I am a smart mommy , too.

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你会管你的天使叫妈妈。You will call your an¬gel Mommy.

乔那在梦中喊妈妈。Jonah has a dream shouting Mommy.

我的妈妈和爸爸就是这样。My mommy and daddy are like that.

妈咪喜爱淡黄色的水仙花。P14 Mommy loves yellow daffodils.

噢,妈咪,能给我买那个吗?Oh please, Mommy. Can I have them”?

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妈妈,今天晚上只讲猫的书。Ohly books about cats tonight, Mommy.

所以对妈妈的真实描述也确实带来了损害。So there’s real damage from mommy porn.

太完美了,妈妈,太漂亮了!It’s perfect, Mommy. And it’s beautiful!

妈妈想去玩雨啊,雨啊,别下了。Mommy wants to play Rain, rain, go away.

而小杰克则得到许多有妈妈陪伴的时光。And little Jakey gets lots of mommy time.

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我在圣诞节能得到一个长颈鹿妈妈吗?Can I get the mommy giraffe for Christmas?

妈妈怕天堂的路太黑。Mommy fears the road to heaven is too dark.

贝拉,你妈妈今天帮我们照像吔!Bella, your mommy is the photographer today.