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洛可可风格的精髓就是明亮。The essence of Rococo art is light.

洛可可式圣坛背壁装饰画的复杂细节。The intricate detail of a rococo altarpiece.

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米德夫人想买一个洛可可式的椅子。Mrs. Mead is looking for a chair in rococo style.

宫殿内的洛可可式装饰风格赏心悦目。The Rococo decoration inside the palace is delightful.

洛可可音乐风格与18世纪“中国热”。Part 3 Rococo music and Chinoiserie in the 18th century.

他手舞足蹈,优雅地比划着繁杂的手势。He is all flourishes, rococo gestures, and exquisite manners.

洛可可并没有马上消失,但很快的变的平淡。The rococo did not die immediately, but it was quickly tamed.

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西元1730年代代表了洛可可式艺术在法国的高度发展时期。The 1730s represented the height of Rococo development in France.

洛可可主要是一个法国风格的十八世纪中叶。The Rococo is a predominantly French style of the mid-18th century.

洛可可式艺术藉著法国艺术家和被刻记的出版物传播他国。The Rococo style spread with French artists and engraved publications.

洛可可艺术描绘出一个人工的、假装的和玩乐性的世界。Rococo art portrayed a world of artificiality, make- believe, and game- playing.

在十八世纪的中后期,洛可可式的艺术风格则由新古典主义的艺术代替了它的地位。In the mid-late 18th century, Rococo was largely supplanted by the Neoclassic style.

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其中,巴洛克和洛可可成为中国工匠折中处理的主要素材。Among them, baroque and rococo become the main source in detail disposal for Chinese masters.

甚至在革命之前,朴素的新古典主义风格取代了轻率的洛可可风格。Even before the revolution, sober neoclassical styles were replacing the giddiness of rococo.

影响波斯语的缩影绘画及洛可可艺术是不可否认的在洛朗桑的作品。Theinfluence of Persian miniature painting and Rococo art are undeniable in Laurencin'sworks.

洛可可艺术发源于纯净装饰艺术,这种风格清楚地显示在绘画上。Though Rococo originated in the purely decorative arts, the style showed clearly in painting.

掺合洛可可与中国风格的陶瓷屋欧洲共有两座。There are two major porcelain rooms in Europe with pieces combining chinoiserie with the Rococo.

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弗拉戈那尔笔下轻佻与风流的场景,被认为十足体现了洛可可艺术的精神。Fragonard's scenes of frivolity and gallantry are considered the embodiment of the Rococo spirit.

洛可可风格也曾经使用过花朵、叶子和藤蔓作为装饰的元素。Rococo style once also had used flower, leaf and cirrus to regard an illuminative as the element.

要素之一典型化的洛可可是使用精致的花束作为装饰细节。One the typifying elements of the Rococo is the use of exquisite bouquets as an ornamental detail.