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什么是本地话、洋泾浜、混合语?What is vernacular? Pidgin? Creole?

椰丝粉团是一道克里奥尔菜。Coconut Rice Balls is a Creole dish.

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她开始说海地克里奥尔语。She begins speaking in the Creole of Haiti.

注意有英语和克里奥尔语两种预设回复。Note the preset replies in both English and Creole.

他们创造的这种语言被称为克利奥尔语And this language that they create is called a "Creole."

我有很长一段时间很喜欢凯郡菜和克利欧菜。I've been a fan of Cajun and Creole food for a long time.

他们提供包括烤克里奥尔鱼和土产面包果在内的各种美食。The menu includes grilled Creole fish and native breadfruit.

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到目前为止,上周添加了海地克里奥尔语之后,它总共覆盖了52种语言。So far it covers 52 languages, adding Haitian Creole last week.

克利尔风味是混合了法国、非洲和加勒比海岛菜风味的混合菜系。Creole is mixture of French, African, and Caribbean Island food.

官方语言为法语,也普遍讲克里奥尔方言。The official language is French, generally speaking Creole dialect.

要表现什么?如何表现?海地克理奥尔拼字法的争论。What is to be represented, and how? The Haitian Creole orthographic debates.

如果可能,最好的队伍还要熟练掌握海地语和法语。The best teams also have a command of Haitian Creole and French, if possible.

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红辣椒和克里奥风味的调味品会令这款法风汉堡的味道一下子俘获你的味觉。Red pepper and Creole seasoning give this Cajun-style burger a kick of flavor.

克理奥尔人对他们克理奥尔语言和文化的态度。Creole speakers' attitudes toward elements of their Creole language and culture.

以路易斯安娜州为背景的、具有乡土气息的短篇小说的创作为她赢得了巨大的文学声誉。Her short stories set in Creole community of Louisianan won her literary fame and popularity.

这是当地克里奥尔式与法式、印度式、东亚式口味的结合,从而得到一种庸华的结果。The local Creole dishes combine French, Indian and East Asian flavours for a decadent result.

但是唯一的问题就是所有都是克里奥尔语的,我们必须把所有的都翻译出来。But the only problem was that everything was in Creole so we had to get everything translated.

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我曾偶然发现很多操克里奥尔语的海地裔美国教民,以及说西班牙语的宗教仪式。I have stumbled upon masses in Creole for Haitian-American parishioners, and services in Spanish.

路易斯安娜虾、熏鲶鱼、白米饭、一些绿色的豆子。Louisiana Shrimp Creole served over a Pan Seared Catfish Fillet with White Rice and Sauteed Green Beans.

其他包括团体,全能艺术家表演的克里奥尔语和路易斯安那州的凯郡文化的音乐。Other Rounder artists include groups that perform the music of the Creole and Cajun cultures of Louisiana.