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围包著,没有任何男人能看见她的容貌。She is always wimpled that no man can see her visage.

那张孔武黝黑的英俊面孔相当的疲惫憔悴。The strong and darkly handsome visage was gaunt and haggard.

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这是一副找到了冤家的魔鬼面孔。It was the visage of a demon who has just found his damned soul.

他俯瞰着山与河的景观,啊,好壮观的样子。Overlooking the vista of hill and river, O, what a grand visage.

活力宝珠的进阶物品处将不再显示精神之貌了。Rejuvenation Bead no longer lists as building into Spirit Visage.

闭上眼睛,试着在脑海里描绘出他的模样。Close your eyes and try to recreate his or her visage in your mind.

他容貌清瘦,头发又稀又长,嗓音低沉。His visage was meagre , his hair lank and thin, and his voice hollow.

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他那银丝白发使焕发的容光更增添了温柔的庄严气派。His white locks added a gentle majesty to the gay radiance of his visage.

关于重庆城市市容市貌建设。City visage is the restrictive factor of Chongqing city identity building.

即使是从他的面色上,我们肯定不能分辨出什么来。Even on his visage it would have been impossible to distinguish anything with certainty.

我没说我还留着那张印着伏尔泰狡诈肖像的十法郎纸币。I didn't mention that I had withheld a ten-franc note engraved with Voltaire's crafty visage.

建议在使用妮维雅脸部保养系列适合干性及敏感性肌肤的洁面产品之后,早晚使用。Use morning and evening after cleansing with NIVEA VISAGE cleansing products for dry and sensitive skin.

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“岁月无痕脸”指通过填充剂、肉毒杆菌、化学换肤等方式打造出来的让人看不出实际年龄的完美面容。Year-zero face is a term for the ageless visage created with fillers, Botox, chemical peels, and the like.

他有灰白头发,严肃的目光,面色焦黑,象个工人,精神沉郁,象个哲学家。He had gray hair, a serious eye, the sunburned complexion of a laborer, the thoughtful visage of a philosopher.

罗斯福的头像能和华盛顿、杰斐逊、林肯在总统山并肩而立,也不足为奇。No wonder Roosevelt’s visage is carved into Mount Rushmore alongside those of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.

在这里,虽然道德判断消失了,但是其图像的意义却以一种少有的当代性面貌呈现出来。Although the ethical judgment has disappeared, its pictorial meaning unfolds with an unwonted visage of modernism.

展览的83件作品,较全面反映了当今乌克兰画坛多元化格局的面貌。The 83 pieces of exhibits comprehensively reflect today's visage of Multi-Format situation in Ukraine Art circles.

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曾是深色的头发已成银灰,毕生的权势与睿智都凝刻在他那着名的面容上。His once-dark hair was turning silver, and his famous visage reflected a lifetime of power and a vigorous intellect.

提高中国民航机场的应急联动能力、旅客服务水平和对外整体形象。Only such doing can improve the ability of emergency processing, polish up passenger service and visage in this world.

“那么那个罗杰。克莱,大爷,”克朗彻先生板着面孔平静地说,“是你把他放进棺材的么?”That there Roger Cly, master, ' said Mr. Cruncher, with a taciturn and iron-bound visage. 'So you but him in his coffin?