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需要呼吸器。Needs a ventilator.

为什么通风器会漏水?Why would Water Leakage ventilator?

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使用呼吸机的时候,我也可以与人交谈。I can still talk when I’m using the ventilator.

呼吸器嗖嗖地把空气推进他的肺部。The ventilator whooshed as it pushed air into his lungs.

窗户太少,必须得安个换气扇。The room has too few windows. A ventilator must be installed.

安装灶具的房间必须安装强力换气扇。The room installed with stoves should have powerful ventilator.

经过开颅手术,你可能要在呼吸机上。Following a craniotomy, you may have to be placed on a ventilator.

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吸呼切换方式依呼吸机的种类不同而不同。Switching mode of smoking by calling the type of ventilator varies.

医生为他装上了呼吸机,还跟贝基说他很可能会死掉。The doctor put him on a ventilator and told Becky that he might die.

厨房的排气扇坏了,扇叶怎么都不转!The ventilator in the kitchen is broken, the vanes don't turn freely.

通风机发明家的奇遇阻止了他冒险复仇.The ventilator inventor’s adventure prevented him from venturing revenge.

本文着重介绍了BIPAP无创呼吸机操作原理及基本使用原则。This paper presents the operation principle and usage of BIPAP ventilator.

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2005年遭遇的那场车祸里,塞缪尔受了重伤,从此依靠呼吸器呼吸。He was badly hurt in a car crash in 2005 and needed a ventilator to breathe.

他堵住了通风管道,用以防止烟气进入他的房间。He stuffed the ventilator shafts up to stop the smoke from entering his room.

为了阻止烟进入室内,我们只好把通风道堵起来。We had to stuff the ventilator shafts up to stop the smoke entering the room.

我看不到通风设备,连窗户或至少一个通风扇也没有。I see no ventilation to speak of, none from a window or a ventilator at least.

现在他正在一家当地医院里接受重症看护,意识仍然没有清醒,且依靠呼吸器呼吸。He is now in intensive care at a local hospital, unconscious and on a ventilator.

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通风管一旦堵塞,仓库很快就充满了烟雾。Once the ventilator shaft became blocked, the warehouse quickly filled with fumes.

本发明公开了一种环保型双风道吸油烟机。The invention discloses an environment protective type double air duct ventilator.

通风机发觉家的奇遇阻挡了他冒险复仇。快速。The ventilator inventornos vair conditioning prevented him from venturing revenge.