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一块果子酱油炸饼圈和一支冰淇淋。A piquant sauce of soy, vinegar, and spices.

这话中的意思暗合事实,她觉得有点触心。The touch of fact in it made it slightly piquant.

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翘,代表着活力、调皮、有生气。Become warped, representing vigor, piquant , have life.

很糟糕的是,科恩不知道谩骂她的人是谁。The piquant twist is that Cohen had no idea who was writing about her.

白色,在这里是调皮的、活泼的,是属于年轻人的色彩。White, it is piquant here, lively, it is the colour that belongs to a youth.

不过,蒋夫人这一生的故事那奇异而有趣的吸引力并未因此失去丁点。The story of Mme. Chiang’s life has lost none of its strange, piquant appeal, however.

有关男人和女人的话题既有趣,又辛辣。Besides serious topics about marriage, also there are a lot of funny and piquant things in it.

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但是在每一场半决赛中,都会给本不该失败的人留下深深的遗憾。But in every semifinal there is deep and piquant regret for a man who did not deserve to lose.

这时一个调皮的女青年搞乱了唱片的速度,好好戏耍了赵主任一番。At this moment a piquant girl jumble the speed of disc, good good play made fun of Director Zhao one time.

有点调皮却不张扬,看似漫不经心的随意背后,隐藏着自由的生活态度。Piquant but not audacious , the free living attitude is concealed behind by the unbending and insouciance.

举到我嘴边的是这个巨大岛屿城市兴奋而冒着泡沫的酒杯,我感激地饮了这杯酒。It was a piquant and sparkling cup that the great island city held up to my lips. I drank of it gratefully.

但是,深谙宣传之道、极富娱乐精神的摩尔却懂得如何拼接镜头以博取眼球。But Moore, a master propagandist and incorrigible entertainer, knows how to assemble footage in piquant ways.

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但遗憾的是,即使是最不挑剔的丈夫也时常会渴望一点更为活泼有趣的东西,而不仅仅是善良。The pity of it was that even the least exacting husband should so often desire something more piquant than goodness.

这就像一个调皮的孩子在四处留名一样,生动得叫人欢愉。This piquant like child is in like leaving behind a good reputation everywhere, so vivid that call a person delighted.

本文着重讨论了鲜辣型火锅调料的生产工艺及产品特点。Processing techniques and product characteristics of delicious and piquant chafing dish seasoning are discussed mostly.

介绍了鲜辣型火锅调料的生产工艺及产品特点。Processing technology and product characteristics of delicious and piquant chafing dish seasoning were discussed mostly.

中国饮食中这种水**融和令人垂涎的相互衬映并不只是烹饪食物和个人生意的产物。The smooth harmonies and piquant contrasts in Chinese food are more than just the products of recipes and personal enterprise.

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阿马罗内是一款酒体饱满的葡萄酒,与烧烤,烤红肉,野味,和味道重的乳酪如用脱脂乳作成的意大利硬干酪搭配完美。Amarone is a full-bodied wine to be paired with grilled or roasted red meats, game, tasty and piquant cheeses, such as parmesan.

南滚龙村的儿童团团长王二小是个倔强调皮的孩子王。The Wang Er of children regimental regimental commander that Long Cun rolls south is small it is a stubborn and piquant child king.

伟大的是妈妈平凡的是我,慈爱的是妈妈调皮的是我,交手机费的是妈妈发短信的是我。Great is mom ordinary is me, amiable is mom piquant is me, handing in what the mobile phone expends is mom hair short message is me.