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这位八十多岁的领导人还说他现在要到各县巡视,对他们党进行动员。The octogenarian leader said he will now visit districts to energise his party.

年逾八旬的创始人赫夫纳已经结婚两次,现在要再当一次新郎官。Octogenarian founder Hefner has been married twice, and now again as a bridegroom.

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沃伦·巴菲特,这位最近年过八旬的亿万富翁,向外界表示,他将打算人过百岁后,继续奋战股海,续写神话。Warren Buffet, the world's newest octogenarian billionaire, says he plans to work past 100.

一国两制成为北京那位高过八旬的战略大师的成功之举。One Country, Two Systems has been a triumph for the octogenarian master-strategists of Beijing.

不管你是青少年还是个八旬老人,你都可以持续你的聪明、机敏和博学。You can maintain a clever, astute and erudite persona whether you're adolescent or octogenarian.

沃伦·巴菲特,这位最近年过八旬的亿万富翁,已经在跌宕起伏的股市中,经历风雨几十年。Warren Buffett, the world's newest octogenarian billionaire, has been beating the stock market for decades.

招惹辣妹,和新郎八十多岁的叔叔一起倒在地板上是个不错的计划。Requesting the Spice Girls and hitting the floor with the bride's octogenarian uncle seems like a pretty good plan.

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马吕斯继那八十岁老人之后,屹立在街垒上,这是继老革命而起的新生革命的形象。Marius on that barricade after the octogenarian was the vision of the young revolution after the apparition of the old.

许多分裂者都被关进监狱里,和多数著名领导人一样,八十多岁的赛伊德被软禁着。Many separatists are behind bars or, like the most notable leader, the octogenarian Syed Ali Shah Geelani, under house arrest.

怀特,这位超级碗广告的老年明星,是大多数百岁老人的最佳晚餐对象。White, the octogenarian star of a popular Super Bowl commercial, was the top choice of a dinner date for most of the centenarians.

年逾八旬的曼德拉在谈到“一生遗憾”时首先提到了拳击运动,“我非常遗憾没能成为一名世界!!!!Octogenarian Mandela talk about "life regret" when you first mentioned the boxing, "I am very sorry not to become a world champion! ! ! !

但问题在于,这位稍显年轻的继承人也已经是耄耋之年,此外,他的健康状况也不好,已经或正在与癌症搏斗。The problem is that the younger successor is also an octogenarian. And he too is quite sick, having battled—or perhaps he is still battling—cancer.

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等级分化恶化呼吁一场革命,他信对八十多岁高龄的普密蓬国王的统治正在玩火。As well as exacerbating class divisions in calling for revolution, Mr Thaksin is playing a more dangerous game over the rule of octogenarian King Bhumibol.

离开莫斯科之前,普京在克里姆林宫主办了一次小规模的宴会,宴会后有一场爵士乐演出,音乐家从十几岁到八十多岁都有。Before I left Moscow, Putin hosted a small dinner in the Kremlin with a jazz concert afterward, featuring Russian musicians from teenagers to an octogenarian.

“如果你倒在马路上,我们会停下比赛,把你拉起来——只是有时会这样”,前莱罗选手,舒克虎梯村八十多岁的老铁匠杜尔荪·阿布卡泽说道。"If you fall on the asphalt, we stop the game to help you up – sometimes, " says Dursun Abkhadze, Shukhuti's octogenarian blacksmith and a former lelo competitor.

博比·查尔顿当时已晋升爵士,而已入迟暮的马特·巴斯比爵士还在担任俱乐部大使的角色,他们都将复兴俱乐部的重任寄望于弗格森身上。Fergie was handpicked for the role of second coming by Sir Bobby Charlton, now knighted, and the octogenarian Sir Matt Busby, then still at the club in an ambassadorial role.

一位男子十月十八日尝试以双脚寻找一副掉在澄清湖底的假牙。该副假牙由一位吃芭乐的八旬老翁不慎丢进湖底。A man tries to find false teeth at the bottom of Cheng Ching Lake in Greater Kaohsiung on Oct. 18 after an octogenarian accidentally threw them into the lake along with some guava seeds.