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你在黑曜石公司的工作是什么?What's your job at Obsidian?

此外,黑曜石是神圣的毛利人之物。In addition, the obsidian is sacred to the Maoris.

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阿兹台克人从黑曜石极其锋利的刀具和武器。The Aztecs made extremely sharp knives and weapons from obsidian.

在熔岩流单元中黑曜岩位于其顶部和底部。The obsidian appears on the top and the bottom of lava flow unit.

这下恶魔石级的镐成采黑曜石和地狱石必须品了。Hellstone and Obsidian now require at least a Demonite pick to gather.

他是罪恶和悲惨厄运之神并且为黑曜石刀增添了一个崇拜物。He was the god of sin and misery and had a fetish for the obsidian knife.

他的脸上戴着一个黑曜石眼睛的面具。His face was covered with what may have been a funeral mask with obsidian eyes.

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每当一个战士生物进场时,你可以将黑曜战斧装备于其上。Whenever a Warrior creature comes into play, you may attach Obsidian Battle-Axe to it.

主要形成的矿井是一个流纹岩和黑曜石流动,充满了气体的口袋。The primary formation of the mine is a rhyolite and obsidian flow, full of gas pockets.

古代文化断绝件黑曜石刀和武器,如箭头。Ancient cultures broke off pieces of obsidian to make knives and weapons such as arrows.

在战斗中,他们狂暴而奋不顾身地冲进敌群,用他们黑曜石的爪子撕裂一切。In combat, they rush violently and blindly into the enemy, raking with their obsidian claws.

黑曜石是火山的热量融化时形成的砂二氧化硅材料的黑色玻璃。Obsidian is a kind of black glass formed when the heat of a volcano melts the silica material in sand.

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在目前每天墨西哥的阿兹特克文明的古代用于狩猎工具和珠宝黑曜石。The ancient Aztec civilization in current day Mexico used obsidian for making hunting tools and jewelry.

升级枯萎光环-增加黑曜石雕像的生命恢复的效果。Upgrade Aura of Blight- Increases the regenerative effect of the Obsidian Statue's hit point regeneration.

这个数据来自于黑曜石圣殿中的岩浆,选择这个地方是因为每分钟有30个数据。This data was collected from the Magma in Obsidian Sanctum, which has the advantage of 30 samples per minute.

德克萨斯州展出包括了一个黑曜石面具,可能是从埃及被带到哈喇和林来的,莱塞姆说。The Texas show includes an obsidian mask that likely traveled to Khara Khorum all the way from Egypt, Lessem says.

另一方面,黑曜石,是你完美的结晶,如果您的个人自尊和信心需要提升。On the other hand, Obsidian is a perfect crystal for you if your personal self-esteem and confidence needs a boost.

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该墓埋葬着50岁左右的男子,玉领黄铁矿和黑曜石埋藏文物和陶器。The tomb held a man aged around 50, who was buried with jade collars, pyrite and obsidian artifacts and ceramic vessels.

这些克洛维斯文化的古印第安人利用公园里发现的大量的黒曜岩来制造这样的切割工具和武器。These Paleo-Indians, of the Clovis culture, used the significant amounts of obsidian found in the park to make such cutting tools and weapons.

行星地表荒芜但不乏壮观景象,有着呈锯齿状延伸的黑曜岩山脉,其上高耸的活火山将岩浆和火焰从地底喷射出来。Its bleak landscape is a visual assault of jagged obsidian mountains with towering fountains of fire and lava blasting from beneath the surface.