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出于形式,路德先是被要求公开认错。For form’s sake, Luther was first invited to recant.

从未听过有任何一位基督徒在临终时放弃信仰的。No Christian has ever been known to recant on his deathbed.

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虽然强迫他改变宗教信仰,但他绝不改变。Though he was forced to change his religion,he would not recant.

不过,如果瑞德放其他的那套异端邪说,生活就会惬意得多。However, life would be pleasanter if Rhett would recant his heresies.

社论会提出要求,他要么宣布放弃信仰,要么从公共生活中隐退。Editorials would demand that he either recant or retire from public life.

教皇表示他不知道威廉姆森的观点,但现在知道后要他放弃此观点。He said he had been unaware of Williamson's views and had ordered him to recant.

伽利略的学说1633年被指控为异端邪说,他被迫公开表示放弃自己的观点。Galileo was accused of heresy in 1633 and forced to publicly recant his theories.

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那囚犯虽受酷刑迫他改变他的宗教信仰,但他绝不改变。Though he was tortured to make him change his religion the prisoner would not recant.

尽管他改变其信仰是因为残忍的折磨,但是得不到监狱里其他人的宽恕。种竹成林。Though he was tortured to make him change his religion the prisoner would not recant.

虽然受了酷刑,但那个囚犯绝不改变自己的宗教信仰。Though he was tortured to make him change his religion, the prisoner would not recant.

艾哈迈德说,政府并试图说服奥贝迪在会议和她的家人放弃信仰的故事。And Ahmed said the government tried to persuade al-Obeidi and her family to recant the story.

近几年来,镉米在中国部分地区也相继发现,促使中国对镉污染的研究予以高度重视。In recant year, "Cd rice" was found in certain areas in China which should he paid more attention.

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我们应当放弃所有与中央领导所宣布的有抵触的意见。We should recant all opinions which are in conflict with those proclaimed by the central leadership.

她非但不放弃信仰,相反,她不屈从于对她的指控。Released and paraded around the capital, she refused to recant. Instead, she repeated her accusations.

基督教徒之间的苗族少数民族撤回自己的信仰,并重新建立祖先祭坛,根据地区的教会领袖。Christians among the Hmong minority to recant their faith and to re-establish ancestral altars, according to area church leaders.

最后一章主要分析怨恨动员对社会结构、人际关系等方面造成的影响。The Conclusive chapter mainly discusses the reflections to the social structure and the interrelationships caused by recant mobilization.

由于路德拒绝撤销他的改革著作,他被罗马皇帝宣布为有罪之后,在这个城堡里隐姓埋名地生活过将近一年。Luther lived incognito at the castle for nearly a year after he was declared an outlaw by the Roman emperor for refusing to recant his Reformation writings.

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罗马教皇要求红衣主教理查德·威廉森收回关于否认犹太人遭到屠杀的言论。The pope ordered a traditionalist bishop, Richard Williamson, whom he had recently readmitted to the Catholic church, to recant on his denials of the Holocaust.

怨恨在提升斗争烈度,宣示政权力量的同时,对社会结构、人际关系和农民心理及观念造成了持久影响。While enhancing the intensity of contradiction, displaying the political power, recant also plays a role on altering the social structure and interrelationships.

罗马教廷要求主教放弃他对纳粹屠杀事件的叛逆想法,以便重新被罗马天主教会接受。The Vatican has ordered the bishop who holds controversial views on the Nazi holocaust to recant before he can be fully readmitted into the Roman Catholic Church.