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你到底愿不愿意把卖你的夹层?Do you want to sell your Interlining or Not ?

本论文主要对粘合衬的配伍和压烫工艺这两个问题进行了阐述。The thesis mostly expounds the compatibility of fusible interlining and pressing process.

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介绍了PU热熔胶衬布的研制过程和技术关键。The development process and technical keys of PU hot melt adhesive interlining were introduced.

吃蛋糕时去掉外层及夹层中的奶油或鲜奶油装饰。The take out when eating cake is outer the butter in reaching interlining or bright butter adornment.

非粘合衬将成为高级西服加工的发展新动向。It is a new direction that non-fusible interlining will become important in high-grade suits manufacturing.

本文根据丝绸砂洗工艺的特点对生产浆点粘合衬布的主要原材料进行了试验筛选。Base characteristic of silk sand washing process, mostly materials used in fusible interlining was selected.

双斑点并贴点涂层不断夹层非常柔软和光滑处理和刚刚适合需要的时装。Double-dot and paste dot coating keeps interlining very soft and smooth handle and just fit the need of the fashion.

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衬布是一片附加的织物,用于需要进一步支撑的特殊衣片。An interlining is an additional piece of fabric which is applied to particular garment sections requiring further support.

介绍了粘合衬布发展的情况,指明了其发展的方向。Development situation of adhesive-bonded interlining is introduced in the paper. Its development direction is pointed out.

节能减排的环环紧扣使科德宝宝翎衬布的生产于细微之处见环保。Energy-saving emission reduction ring closely Caude baby ling's interlining production in nuances of environmental protection.

耐水性、干洗。适用于普通薄、中、厚型面料,用于小部位及大身。Resistant to washing, suitable for small area application as interlining for collars, cuffs, skirts and front fly for light fabrics.

采用涤纶长丝、低弹丝的经编布作底布的服装用粘合衬日益受到欢迎。The fusible interlining substrates used by warp knitting fabrics from filaments PET and low elasticity filaments PET have been more and more.

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我国衬布产品应在稳定质量的基础上,根据服装要求,进行产品开发和更新换代。Based on the quality stabilization, the interlining products must meet the demands of the garment industry to development and renew the product.

介绍了国产有色非织造系列衬布的基本特性、应用范围、使用参数及配色选用情况。This paper introduces the basic features of domestic-made colored nonwoven interlining and its application field, parameter of use and selecting the match color.

我们不仅要考虑内衬和翻转技巧,还要考虑不同丝绺的衣片的操作和不同形状衣片的操作。Not only do we have to contend with interlining and bagging out but also with the handling of garment sections on different grains and of slightly different shapes.

浆点粘合衬布用增稠剂应具有较高的增稠能力,适中的触变性,还应有一定的曳丝性。The thickening agents used in hot-melt paste for fusible interlining should have higher thickening function, moderate contact thixotropy and filament dragging ability.

综述了男西服风格的演变及其用衬的发展变化。结合现代男西服的发展趋势,讨论了西服用衬的新理念。The evolution of men′s suits′ style and the change of interlining are reviewed. Conbined the tendency of men′s suits, the new notions of using interlining are discussed.

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座位区以夹层楼板分隔成上、下两楼,不管是何种角度皆可欣赏到吧台调酒师的工作。Place area is become with interlining floor space on, below two buildings, why to no matter be, plant angle all can be admired the job of division of stage attune spirits.

外包装采用双夹层的半透明罐子,并附带一个精致实用的粉底小勺以方便你掌握用量。Outer packing uses the translucent pitcher of double interlining , accessary a delicate and practical powdery bottom small spoon with going to the lavatory you master dosage.

浅析黄金分割,探讨了它在现代企业生产经营中的应用,通过对比试验等方法分析研究了黄金分割在优化衬布生产工艺、降本增效中所起到的作用。It also studies the effect of the golden section in optimization interlining production process and cost cutting and improve performance by the methods of contrast experiment.