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迈阿密阵容中的三当家---波什。The third King in the Miami lineup, Chris Bosh.

“我不清楚詹姆斯是否会继续留在骑士,”波什说。"I wasn't sure if LeBron was coming back," Bosh said.

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韦德也将首次和詹姆斯,克里斯·波什同场效力热火。Wade's first time with James and Chris Bosh as his Heat running mates.

当加内特靠近他时,波什佯装跳投,加内特上当了。As Garnett approached him, Bosh faked a jump shot and Garnett bit hard.

我看易像德克比像波什多些。随便像谁我都愿意。我也被易的表现所鼓舞。I see more Dirk than Bosh. I'll take either though. I too was encouraged.

迈阿密热火主场123比96击败菲尼克斯太阳,克里斯波什有35入账。Miami Heat defeated the Phoenix Suns by 123 to 96. Chris Bosh scored 35 points.

波什即使选择同猛龙先签后换,也会获得一份更大的合同。A sign-and-trade with the Raptors would allow Bosh to receive the larger contract.

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正是因为他们俩的全能,波什才在赛后说,没人能防住韦德和詹姆斯。Their versatility is why Bosh said after the game that no one can defend Wade and James.

有猜测认为,詹姆斯正考虑加入迈阿密热火队,与德怀恩.韦德和克里斯.波什联手。There is rampant speculation James is considering Miami to join Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh.

炉腹从风口开始上至高炉口径最大处变得大起来。The bosh becomes larger from the tuyeres up to the maximum internal diameter of the furnace.

虽然这两个球员在联赛中都是已获认可的明星,但他们面对的竞争是更好的波什和詹姆斯。Although both players are proven stars in the league, they face better competition in Bosh and James.

所以在四号位上他是继博仕和哈斯勒姆后最完美的拼图。He also gives us incredible professionalism and is a perfect fit behind Chris Bosh and Udonis Haslem.

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勒布朗詹姆斯,德怀恩韦德还有克里斯波士不会再像上赛季那样需要一段时间的磨合期。LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh won't require an extended jell phase like we saw in 2010-11.

终于登场了,波什的得分手段多靠补篮以及美国对后卫的洞察力创造的一些轻松的扣篮。Finally, Chris Bosh made a living off of putbacks and easy dunks off penetration from the American guards.

詹姆斯14投5中,韦德11投4中,波什在最后的9投7中之前的连续6次都没有得分。James shot 5 of 14. Wade shot 4 of 11. Bosh missed his first six shots before making seven of his final nine.

韦德说他不敢相信迈阿密主导自由市场,诱惑詹姆斯和波什加入他们。Wade said he still can't believe Miami pulled off the coup of free agency, luring James and Bosh to join him.

波什暗示说,选择加入热火是确信这支球队至少还有一名精英队友能同他并肩作战,而如今是俩。Bosh hinted that he opted to join the Heat to assure himself of at least one elite teammate, with the hope of two.

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韦德和波什同意效力于南佛罗里达州,本已恍然如梦,而如今,迈阿密三巨头的可能性更让人悬而未决。In the wake of Wade, and Bosh agreeing to play in South Florida, visions of Miami Thrice now stand in the balance.

令有消息透露,如果詹姆斯和纽约或者芝加哥签约的话,波什也愿意一同前往。An unnamed source also said that if LeBron James signs in New York or Chicago, Bosh will likely land there as well.

例如,冷却水不停地在风口、炉身、炉腹和内壁冷却板等部位循环流动。For example cooling water circulates constantly through the tuyere hearth staves bosh and inwall cooling plate etc.