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吸附一词在这里很重要。The word adsorb is important here.

木炭可以吸附有色的液体。Charcoal can adsorb colored liquids.

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然而,棉花没有吸附LAS的好。However, cotton did not adsorb LAS well.

那么,什么样的土壤对核素的吸附性能较好?Then, which kinds of soil can adsorb the nuclides well?

接枝苏氨酸化合物可以吸附铜铁钙三种金属离子。Threonine grafted compound could adsorb cuprum, iron and calcium.

而其中一些水生草还能吸附水中杂质,净化水质。Some aquatic grasses could also adsorb impurities to purify the water.

涂膜不产生静电、不易吸附灰尘、耐污染性好、十分有利美化市容。The paint film does not produce static electricity, does not adsorb dust.

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被吸附意味着去吸附表面上的物质、液体或气体。Adsorb means to attract and hold to the surface substances, liquids, or gasses.

清理皮屑,吸附皮脂及厚积污垢,令发丝清爽柔顺。Remove dandruff, adsorb sebum and dirt, and make hair refreshing and manageable.

为了从背景中突起而刻在表面的一种形态。Water species adsorb On the surface mainly in the form of undissociated molecules.

将头部重量平均吸覆,达到全方面支撑着,使你舒适安稳的入眠。It can adsorb the head weights in average, and achieve fully support to have you sleep comfortably.

试验表明吸附剂分子链上的-NH2是吸附血清中血脂分子的活性中心。And the -NH2 group on the molecule chain of adsorbent is the active center to adsorb the blood lipid.

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被吸附物体表面应尽可能平整,且吸附面积不宜小于电磁铁吸合面。Adsorb surfaces should as far as possible level, and adsorption suction and not less electromagnet of face.

经电化学活化后的玻璃碳电极可吸附溶液中的铅离子。The activated glassy carbon electrode obtained by electrochemical means could adsorb the lead cation in solution.

生物吸附法是指利用微生物来去除水中的重金属是一项新兴的废水生物处理技术。Biosorption is the use of micro-organisms to adsorb heavy metals is a new biological wastewater treatment technology.

如果探针序列能够和目标杂交,它将不和金属微粒区结合,荧光持续存在。If the probe sequence is able to hybridize to the target, it will not adsorb on the gold and its fluorescence persists.

木质纤维自身吸收自重的1-2倍的液体,并利用其结构吸附2-6倍的液体。Lignocelluloses adsorb water 1-2 times of self-weight and adsorb water 2-6 times of self-weight by use of its structure.

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为了研究硫酸盐废水的处理,利用天然钡矿石对硫酸盐废水进行吸附。In order to study the treatment of the sulfate waste water, natural barium ore was taken to adsorb the sulfate waste water.

茧衣在酸性条件下含有大量正电荷,对阴离子染料具有很好的吸附作用。Cocoon floss contains lots of positive charges in acid solution, so it can adsorb anion dye at acid condition theoretically.

考察了大豆皂甙的有机溶剂提取方法,建立了吸附层析提取大豆皂甙的方法。Investigating extraction method with organic reagent, we use adsorb chromatography by resin column to extract soybean saponin.