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很多心理学家都是夸夸奇谈,不实之徒。A lot of psychology is charlatanry, chicanery.

我不能做你的情妇,说任何别的都是狡辩。I can not be your lover, said any words is chicanery.

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他被指控行驶政治欺骗手段。Charges of political chicanery were brought against him.

市民默默地受到这种欺骗。The citizens have silently succumbed to this sort of chicanery.

法官球员他们做了什么,当这种欺骗和迷你混乱。Judge players by what they do, when it comes to such chicanery and mini-mayhem.

他们所有的工作就是政治狡辩并使你在世界面前看起来像一大块肉片。They all work political chicanery and make you look like a chump before the eyes of the world.

当我们看到大诈骗被说出来,就会注意到这些类型媒体的冷酷的面孔。We watch this grand chicanery play out and have taken note of just how callous these media types really are.

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托萨布巴那蛮横的礼节之福,他同时也驾驶着比赛中最大的火球之一。Thanks to some chicanery courtesy of Sebulba , Holdfast also piloted one of the largest fireballs in the race.

这样的欺骗手段可以相对无害地提升排名,但是这种急功近利地推销无疑是一种欺诈行为,是无用之功。This chicanery can range from relatively benign but useless efforts to overly aggressive promotion to outright fraud.

这种情形很少见到,常见的情形往往是,采取欺骗手段推动股价上涨,而非下跌。We have, on rare occasions, seen that happen. Usually, of Course, chicanery is employed to drive stock prices up, not down.

他们经历青春期,有紧密的母子关系,为了得到想要的东西耍狡猾的花招。They experienced adolescence, developed powerful mother-and-child bonds, and used political chicanery to get what they wanted.

多数人们说的智慧,只是在某种灵巧的技术行为,或者在商业中的狡猾或政治伎俩。What most people call intelligence is merely deftness in some technical activity, or cunning in business or political chicanery.

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虽然我们在未申报的侵略,战争,伪善,诡计,无政府状态是我们的日常生活的一部分的世界上现在生活。Though we are now living in a world in which undeclared aggression, war, hypocrisy, chicanery , anarchy are part of our daily life.

你们实际上在这个被傲慢和欺骗囚禁的实相中是自由的,因为从一开始,你们就知道这不过是一场灵性的锻炼。You are practically free of those whose arrogance and chicanery has had you imprisoned in a world which, from the outset, was only an exercise for Spirit.

比如,迈克尔•皮特斯写道,2011年初,中国在铜贸易中的金融诈骗可能人为地增加了进口总量。Michael Pettis writes here, for instance, about financial chicanery in the country's copper trade that may have artificially boosted import totals early in 2011.

没问题的,美国政府的那帮巴国护人,用我们纳税人的钱,资助他们,我们美国人什么时候不满过?No problem, paid for by American taxpayers with the aid they receive from their American patrons in US government . When will the US citizens get fed up with this chicanery ?

多德是一个喜欢捣乱吹牛的政客,他利用官僚式的争吵协助贸易联盟达到目标,阻扰别人揭露他们的诡计。A filibustering blowhard of a politician, Dod would use bureaucratic wrangling to further the Federation's aims and hinder the efforts of those who would expose their chicanery.