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在阿富汗社会,敌人之间进行直接对话是不可能的。In Afghani communities, it is impossible to talk direct enemy to enemy.

我们呼吁阿富汗媒体停止传播谎言,不要成为仇视伊斯兰的西方媒体的传声筒。We also call on Afghani media to stop spreading the lies of Islam hating western media by becoming their translators.

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一名阿富汗警官在于在喀布尔,阿富汗,星期五,2009年8月21日他在投票站的选票武器。An Afghani police officer rests his weapon on a ballot at a polling station in Kabul, Afghanistan, Friday, Aug. 21, 2009.

当餐具提供它通常是一汤匙和叉子,因为很少有对刀时需要使用阿富汗的食物吃。When cutlery is provided it is usually a spoon and fork , since there is seldom need for the use of a knife when eating Afghani food.

面对伊拉克和阿富汗机场高密度的飞行活动,空域冲突是指挥官和机组人员最为关心的问题。With the high activity levels around the Iraqi and Afghani airfields, airspace deconfliction was a major concern of commander and crew alike.

丹尼听到一个秘密,有一个国际走私团伙计划用一个死亡的阿富汗男孩尸体装运古钱币,运出这个国家。Danny overhears the secrets of an international gang of criminals that is planning to smuggle antique coins out of the country inside an Afghani boy's dead body.

目前项目的注意力集中在普什图语这种阿富汗的当地语言,但是NIST已经审核了一种用于翻译达里语的系统——这种语言被广泛使用在阿富汗和伊拉克等阿拉伯地区。Currently, the focus is on Pashto, a native Afghani tongue, but NIST has also assessed machine translation systems for Dari—also spoken in Afghanistan—and Iraqi Arabic.

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但事业并不顺利,很多阿富汗商人因为她是女性而不愿与她打交道,尽管公司是由她和三位男性管理人员共同经营的。It wasn’t a smooth ride. Many Afghani businessmen didn’t want to deal with her because she was a woman, despite the fact she co-runs the company with three male executives.

一个年轻人谈到阿富汗与美国的第二科弗勒,第二营,第三卓内的贾马在阿富汗的赫尔曼德省的一个村庄海军陆战队星期日2009年6月28日。An Afghani young man speaks with US Marines of the 2nd MEB, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines inside the village of Khwaja Jamal in Afghanistan's Helmand province Sunday June 28, 2009.

那些风筝俯冲和划破阿富汗乡村长空的惊险镜头十分出彩,电影的余下部分制造着一种温馨的氛围。The intense shots of kites swooping and diving through the heights of the Afghani countryside lose none of their luster, and the rest of the film is made for an intimate setting.

电视片描述的阿富汗,没有死于美国炸弹的尸体,没有阿富汗人对眼前战争的一句异议或表态。The Afghanistan described in this TV piece contains no corpses killed by a US bomb, and no Afghani utters a word of dissent or takes a stand about the war going on before his eyes.

有意思的地方是去年7月维基解密发布的阿富汗战争文件使用了独立第三方的数据可视化技术,以便让大量的数据更易于理解。An interesting element of last July's Wikileaks release of Afghani war documents was the use of data visualization by independent parties to make the vast amount of data apprehensible.

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中国已经很强大了,在过去10年里,美国联合了40个国家连阿富汗都没打垮,他们又怎么能搞定中国呢?China is just powerful, America can't even defeated the Afghani for the past 10 years with other 40 countries. how could they take on China. china proven they defeated America in Korea.