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它最大化了我的预期收益It maximizes my expected payoff.

它最大化了对手选S-i时我的收益It maximizes my payoff against S-i.

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一个大使的职位?作为我的报酬?An ambassadorship? That's my payoff?

学人文科学的报偿在何处呢?Where’s the payoff on the humanities?

但是一旦成功,回报是巨大的。But when successful, the payoff is huge.

但是请仔细想想,回报总归是有的。But look closer. There is always a payoff.

我选立场3对手选立场2的收益是什么What's the payoff from choosing 3 against 2?

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如果对手选立场1我收益如何So how about my payoff versus 1, for example.

她说,这样做的回报是一所乡村住宅。The payoff is a house in the country, she said.

叶先生,我知道它的辛苦,但收益是如此巨大。Yep, I know it's hard, but the payoff is so huge.

成功攻击的结果是意想不到的。The payoff of a successful attack is unimaginable.

这是我选上对手选左时我的收益So this is my payoff from choosing Up against Left.

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我们先看看我选立场1,我们先从选立场2开始吧So the payoff from choosing 1, let's start against 2.

他的当选是多年来忠实致力于党务工作的结果。His election is a payoff for years of loyal party work.

对手选4而我选2的收益是什么呢Against 4, the payoff from choosing 2 against 4 is what?

那在情况下我选下的预期收益呢How about my expected payoff from choosing Down versus ?

如果门将扑向右边中路反而不如左路了It has as lower payoff if the goalie dives to the right.

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我选立场1对手选立场2我收益是什么So what's my payoff if I choose 1 and my opponent chooses 2?

完全正确,所以在这亚历克斯,亚历克斯最终的收益是什么Absolutely. So Alex here, Alex ends up with a payoff of what?

小中取大选择是最大化最小可能收益。The maximin choice is maximizing the minimum possible payoff.