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我的业余爱好是谈钢琴。My hoy is playing the piano?

我今天没带那么多钱。Hoy no llevo tanto dinero encima.

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克里斯•霍伊。他是个自行车运动员。他有强健的双腿。Chris Hoy. He's a cyclist. He has massive legs.

罗霍伊使我们的旅程通过他的世界和解释孤独症前进的道路。Rory Hoy takes us on a journey through his world and explains autism along the way.

大货驳每周都满载着鲭鱼鲱鱼前往伦敦,又带着一船客人回来。The hoy went to London every week, loaded with mackerel and herrings, and returned loaded with company.

嗬。嗯。我们应该四处看看。当然,我们坐在这里聊了几分钟,所以那些流氓现在已经跑了。Hoy. Hum. We should look around. Of course, we sat here jawing for minute atop minute, so the scamps may be well away by now.

此前,法国队,包括克里斯?霍伊爵士和劳拉?特罗特都说英国队车手在比赛结束后将他们的“魔法车轮”藏了起来。It follows the French saying Team GB's riders, including Sir Chris Hoy and Laura Trott, were hiding their 'magic wheels' after races.

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台山宁阳在中华公所大礼堂举行新旧任主席及职员交接典礼,伍权硕先生就任宁阳会馆新任主席。The Hoy Sun Ning Yung Association held the inauguration ceremony of its president and officers. Mr. Jack Eng was inaugurated as the new President of the Hoy Sun Ning Yung Association.

台山宁阳会馆在中华公所大礼堂举行新旧任主席及职员交接典礼,陈焕湘先生宣誓就任宁阳会馆新任主席。The Hoy Sun Ning Yung Association held the installation ceremony of its president and officers. Mr. Woon Sheung Chan was installed as the new President of the Hoy Sun Ning Yung Association.

带上你的钩锚,系好冰爪,——你需要符合技术规范的设备来征服这个标志性的海蚀柱,它位于狂野的霍伊岛上那些全英国最高的悬崖附近的近海里。Gather your grappling hooks, fasten your crampons – you’ll need technical gear to scale this iconic sea stack, standing just offshore from some of Britain’s highest cliffs on the wild island of Hoy.