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末世论是什么?What's eschatology?

保罗思想中的圣灵观与末世论。Holy Spirit and Eschatology in Paul.

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我们姑且叫那“末实现的末世论Let's just call that "reserved eschatology."

这被学者称为“实现末世论This is called by scholars "realized eschatology."

末世论是关于最终极和“末后”的事。Eschatology is about ultimate things as well as "last" things.

基督教的历史末世论传统到底发源自何处?Where did this Christian tradition of historical eschatology originate?

希腊末世反映在荷马诗歌仍然处于较低的水平。Greek eschatology as reflected in the Homeric poems remains at a low level.

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他的末世论的出发点和最终归宿是个体的生存和价值。The starting point and end point of his Eschatology is human existence and value.

我们很少把福音和称义,以及末世的主题放在等号的两边。Too often we don't equate the gospel and justification with the theme of eschatology.

教会里的倾向﹕将圣灵的工作与末世论分隔。Tendency in church—to isolate the work of the Holy Spirit and Eschatology from one another.

贝克特在其戏剧中所表现的时间观明显与基督教尤其是末世论中宣扬的时间观相悖。Beckett's time concept presented in his plays is contrary to that in Christianity, especially in Eschatology.

20世纪开始时,神学家们主要关心的问题是末世论。At the beginning of 20th century, the issue that the theologians were concerned about primarily was eschatology.

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尽管他提出的设想不能全部一一实现,但他的积极的术世论思想仍给后人以启迪。His active thought of Eschatology enlightened the followers although his thought can"t be fulfilled completely."

同神学其它分支一样,末世论是按照私人的、个体的、存在主义的方式加以解释的。As other branches of theology, eschatology was explained according to the private, individual, and existential method.

在这封信以及大量的后来著作中,沃格林混淆了灵知主义与“历史末世论”或千禧年主义。In this letter and in much of his later work, Voegelin confuses Gnosticism and "historical eschatology" or millennialism.

这是神学的金矿,是对于诉诸情绪,诉诸成功的教义,以及一种过分属世的末世观的解毒剂。An antidote to sentimentality, prosperity doctrine, and an excessively worldly eschatology , this is theological gold dust.

我们绝不可沉迷在“过度实现的末世论”里,以胜利的姿态,以为我们已经到达了。We must not indulge in an over-realized eschatology which leads to the triumphalistic attitude that we have already arrived.

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欧萨玛的未来是一个镀有沙拉菲瓦哈比关于伊斯兰教的解释的末世说和训诂学的象牙雕像。Osama's Galatea is a sculpture whose ivory is an eschatology and exegesis plated with a Salafi-Wahhabi interpretation of Islam.

从基督教“末世论”思想的角度,则可发现斯宾塞诗歌中的时间观远比学者们通常认为受古典传统的影响要复杂。Christian eschatology , however, reveals that the issue of time in Spenser's poetry is far more complex than classical influence.

科学末世论虽为人类未来描绘出了美好的图景,却不能给现在活着的人以任何希望。Although the scientific eschatology describes an ideal picture of man's future, yet it shows no promise of any hope for the living people.