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他正当地拒绝了那个建义。He rightly rejected the offer.

谁就恰当地承受上天的恩宠。They rightly do inherit heaven's graces.

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俯卧撑一天做多少个合适?How many does push-up make rightly one day?

金钱是我们在贸易中的流通手段。Money is a blessing when it is used rightly.

若果真如此,那蒂蒂宁真可以说是位有远见的人。Tiitinen can rightly claim to be a visionary.

他们对会谈感到困惑和愤怒是正确的。They are rightly confused by the talks and angry.

此命令正确的合作伙伴关系的木色。This proceed rightly betrothal the color of wood.

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他们正确猜测到他是会拒绝给予帮助的。They rightly guessed that he would refuse to help.

拉法格正确地评估了马克思的创造方法。Lafargue rightly estimate the creative method of Marx.

正因如此,那么谁还敢给你苦果子吃呢?And rightly so. How dare they give you such a hard time?

他们正确地参考此结果作为一个低能量极限。They rightly refer to this result as a low-energy limit.

公平的说,美国是一个有远见的国家。AMERICA is rightly regarded as a forward-looking country.

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某种意义上说,此类审判都是象征性的,也应该是象征性的。In one sense, these are always show trials- and rightly so.

因着按正意分解真理的道,我们就不必羞愧。By rightly dividing the word of truth, we need not be ashamed.

美国人关于工作的信念一直在发展,理应如此。Americans are evolving their belives about work, and rightly so.

当然,他们正确地抨击所有肉类,而不仅仅是红肉。And of course, they rightly impugn all meat, not just "red" meat.

如何正确理解油气商业性概念?。How to rightly understand the concept of petroleum commerciality?

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由于古希腊的陶器十分精美,现代人对它们可以说是推崇备至。The ancient Greeks are rightly admired for their beautiful pottery.

我们想当然地认为大多数自寻痛苦和自寻死路的人是精神不正常的。We rightly view most people who seek pain or death as mentally ill.

如果您的答案是否定的,你必须正确地计算出的含义。If your answer is No , you have rightly figured out the implicature.