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结果发现,燕雀RA的轴-体突触较多见。The results showed that axo-somatic synapse in RA is dominant.

一根GABA-IR阳性的神经纤维,在外毛细胞区可形成6~7个终末。One GABA-IR positive nerve fiber could form synapse with 6-7 OHCs.

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腹正中下神经元控制著轴向运动。Rather, they only synapse on VM lower motor neurons ipsilaterally.

本质上说,一些基因并没有做到它们形成突触的工作,而是睡着了。Essentially, some genes were asleep instead of doing their synapse work.

单纯型和复杂型突触也有相应增、减分布规律。The distribution of simple synapse is regularly corresponding to complex synapse.

此外,神经细胞突触地形成也与记忆相关联。Besides, the forming of neuron synapse have relationships with memory forming, too.

ESB编辑器支持创建或修改整个或单独的synapse配置。The ESB editor supports creating or editing entire or individual synapse configurations.

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这是由于PRG-1基因在谷氨酸神经元兴奋性突触的特殊作用导致的。This is due to a specific role of PRG-1 at the excitatory synapse on glutamatergic neurons.

突触电镜观察及体视学定量检测结果。Observation of synapse with electron microscope and quantitative examination stereologically.

突触被认为是形成记忆印记的最小基本单位。An individual synapse is thought to be the minimum unit necessary to establish a memory engram.

突触是解剖学上,神经系统相邻两细胞的连接区域The synapse is just this anatomical region of contact between two adjacent cells in the nervous system.

此项研究揭示,病毒蛋白正是通过突触聚集和进入未感染细胞的。The study revealed that the virus protein is gathered through the synapse and into the non-infected cells.

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不久,“美国在线”和微软均表示,他们有意购买Synapse,并希望将发明这款软件的少年招至旗下。Soon AOL and Microsoft made it known that they wanted to buy Synapse and recruit the teenager who'd invented it.

史密斯说每个突触自身就如同一个小型微处理器,有多达1000个分子级转换。And each synapse is itself like a mini-microprocessor, says Smith, with as many as 1,000 molecular-scale switches.

您在书中描述Synapse时,讨论了安全的某些方面,包括WS-Security的实现。You are discussing some of the aspects of security in the Synapse description, including WS-Security implementation.

目的探讨哺乳动物延髓巨细胞网状核内突触的超微结构及其功能。Objective To know the ultrastructure and function of synapse in mammal's medulla oblongata megacell reticular nucleus.

于是他们在1994年也提出免疫突触是免疫细胞与其他细胞沟通连接点的想法。Seder resurrected the idea that the immune synapse is the communicating junction between immune cells and other cells.

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ICCN内具有不对称突触与对称突触两种类型的突触结构。Types of the synaptic structures in ICCN have been shown. One is the asymmetrical synapse, the other is the symmetrical synapse.

电信号到达传递神经元的突触附近后,释放化学物质包。At the side of a synapse that belongs to the transmitting neuron, an electrical signal arrives and releases packets of chemicals.

目的为了定位向咬肌运动神经元投射的最后一级运动前神经元在脑干内的分布。Objective To investigate the distribution of the last order premotor neurons of masseter motoneurons which synapse onto the brainstem.