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电铃在床的旁边。The bell is on the bedside.

把阿士匹灵放在床边。Why keep aspirin by your bedside?

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恁嘎我床头单单有一支个个。Now I always have a tube by my bedside.

她跷着脚走到孩子的床边。She tiptoed to the bedside of the child.

凯伦拉着迈克尔走到他小妹妹的床前。Kren tows Michel to his sister's bedside.

她将他的照片放在床头小几上。She kept his picture on her bedside table.

卡伦牵着迈克尔走到他妹妹的床边。Karen towed Michael to his sister's bedside.

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她坐了起来,打开了床头灯。She sat up and switched on the bedside light.

美国广播公司记者在乌里韦的床前对他进行采访。ABC's John Quinones at Manuel Uribe's bedside.

把应急物品摆放在你的床边。Keep extra emergency supplies at your bedside.

她伸手在床头柜上摸索着寻找她的眼镜。She groped for her glasses on the bedside table.

他伸手去摸床头灯,把灯打开。He fumbled for the bedside lamp and turned it on.

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她踮着脚悄悄地走到酣睡的孩子床前。She tiptoed to the bedside of the sleeping child.

她踮着脚轻轻地走到熟睡的孩子床边。She tiptoed to the bedside of the sleeping child.

接下来的一夜,唐都守在老人床前。Don spent the next night at the old man’s bedside.

奇开转过身来,一个箭步冲向一只床边灯。Swinging around, Keycase lunged for a bedside lamp.

摆在她的床头柜,好让她在你上班的时候也能看到你。Leave it on her bedside table when you head to work.

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用于床旁和基层进行现场抢救治疗。It can be used for on-the-spot and bedside treatment.

第二天早晨,吴来到了陈的病床边。The next morning, nurse Wu came to Mr. Chen's bedside.

她死时,乳儿不在她的旁侧。But when she died, her suckling was not by her bedside.