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摩羯座的星光是比较微弱暗淡的。The stars of Capricornus are faint.

2009年,满月之光出现在摩羯座前。In 2009, the full moon beams in front of Capricornus.

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摩羯座的星光是比较微弱暗淡的。Capricornus is an ancient and venerated constellation.

学会去找到这些星星们,找摩羯座就会很容易上手。Learn to locate these stars, and you'll always be able to find Capricornus.

几个星期后,当月亮不再出现在夜空中,试着再找找摩羯座。When the moon drops out of the evening sky in a few more weeks, try to find Capricornus.

今晚你能看到木星吗,在魔蝎座箭头的前面?Can you see Jupiter tonight, in front of the arrowhead-shaped constellation Capricornus the Seagoat?

摩羯座或摩羯宫,星座之一和十二宫图的符号,由一只山羊再现。Capricornus or Capricorn, one of the constellations and signs of the zodiac, is represented by a goat.

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摩羯座的东部,天津四附近的月亮和木星结成对。The moon and Jupiter pair up near the star Deneb Algedi in the eastern part of the constellation Capricornus.

我是摩羯座的,他们说摩羯座的人具有高度的工作热情和埋头苦干的精神。I'm Capricornus, as we all know that , the man who is Capricornus have highly working enthusiasm and surefooted spirit.

一两个星期后当月亮在夜空中褪色时,今年余下的时光,你可以利用土星这颗远远比其他任何星星都来的亮的星星去找到摩羯座。You can use Jupiter – a point of light that's far brighter than any star – to locate Capricornus throughout the rest of 2009.

在一周或两周内,当月亮即将离开夜晚的天空时,试着分辨出摩羯座的星星们—这天空中的箭头。Try to pick out the stars of Capricornus – the celestial arrowhead – in a week or two, when the moon will have left the evening sky.

我们将在摩羯座山羊角前部看到这两个著名的天体,但是今晚皎洁明亮的月光会使星座中的其他星星黯然失色。Both luminaries shine in front of Capricornus the Sea-goat, but the moonlit glare washes out most of the constellation's stars tonight.

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每到傍晚时分,位于天蝎座和摩羯座之间,闪耀的星体们依稀出现在东南部的天空较低的位置。These shining beauties appear low in your southeastern sky at dusk and nightfall, in front of the constellation Capricornus the Seagoat.

这闪耀的月亮在未来几天内会退出这片区域的天空,但是木星在今年剩下时间里会保持在摩羯座前方。The glary moon will drop out of this region of the sky in a few more days, but Jupiter will remain in front of Capricornus for the rest of this year.

几个星期之后,月亮不在夜晚的天空出现了,再试着找摩羯座,虽然是一个发着微弱光的星座,还是可以在很暗的天空中确认它的位置。When the moon drops out of the evening sky in a few more weeks, try to find Capricornus. Although it's a fairly dim constellation, it can be surprisingly easy to make out and recognize in a dark sky.