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执行这个修改很可能需要超级用户访问权。You will likely need superuser access to make such a change.

从一般的使用者指令行介面,登录当做超级使用者。From the regular user command line interface, log in as the superuser.

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这是因为您希望查看只有超级用户才能够访问的文件。This is because the file you want to view is only accessible to the superuser.

但是,大多数超级用户级命令是新的,它们同时执行许多不同的操作。But, most of the superuser level commands are new and perform many different operations at once.

超级用户名和密码用来登录将在下一节介绍的管理工具。The superuser name and password will be used for logging into the admin tool described in the next section.

这样是安全的——就像它的名字“单一用户模式”的含意一样——只有超级用户可以访问系统。It is safe, since -- as the name "single-user mode" suggests -- only the superuser is able to access the system.

这两个文件放在主目录中,因为这个示例不使用超级用户特权运行软件。The two files are in a home directory, because this example does not use superuser privileges to run the software.

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电子邮件、远程登录和超级用户特权都需要密码,这些密码最好各不相同而且难以通过自动化攻击猜测或推断出来。To wit, e-mail, remote login, and superuser privileges all require a password—preferably disparate and each difficult to guess or derive using an automated attack.

应用下工作了超级用户可以安装内核模式驱动程序,以便获得完整和无限制地使用该系统,并以其名义工作。Applications working under the superuser account can install kernel-mode drivers in order to get complete and unlimited access to the system and work on its behalf.

如果操作系统缺陷、磁盘坏扇区或某些超级用户失误会破坏文件系统,使用多个卷可以把破坏的范围限制在一个卷。If an operating system bug, bad disk sector, or even certain superuser errors cause corruption to a file system, using multiple volumes can limit that damage to just one volume.