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“科学和生物的研究”?。"Research Scienceand Critter Exploitation"?

这种已经灭绝的,长得类似于老鼠的生物比公牛还大。The extinct mouse-like critter was larger than a bull.

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如果昆虫装在一个好看的木制笼子里,还要再加一美元。Add a dollar if the critter comes in a graceful wooden cage.

也是首次发现的可以产生植物天然叶绿素的动物。It's the first critter discovered to produce the plant pigment chlorophyll.

房地产业与出版业,本来是风牛马不相及的两件事。Real estate and the publishing industry, which is not in the wind critter and the two things.

在你抓虱子之前,用酒精轻轻拍一下它,让其松手。Before you pull a tick off Fido, dab the critter with rubbing alcohol to make it loosen its grip.

介绍一种在体生物电信息采集系统的制作方法。Procedure of a bioelectric signal collection system for vivo critter is introduced in this paper.

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我干这一工作已经30年,却从来没有听过有其他哪种动物造成的情绪如此强烈。I've been on the job 30 years, and I've never worked with any critter that raised so much emotion.

“太棒了,”他心里想,“马上就会有另外一种小生物天天在家里溜达了。”"Great," he thought "yet another little critter that is going to be loitering around in my house."

本书讲述的是小怪物如何与妹妹相处的故事。Mercer Mayer´s funny and popular Little Critter is learning to get along with his younger sister in this picture-book classic.

2010年10月,英联邦运动会在新德里举行,当地市政局用了38只长尾叶猴来帮助控制那些淘气的小动物们。When the city hosted the 2010 Commonwealth Games last October, its municipal council used 38 langurs to help with critter control.

科学家发现,这种绿色蛞蝓是半动物、半植物,能生产自己的叶绿素,因而能实现光合作用,把阳光转化为能量。A green sea slug appears to be part animal, part plant. It's the first critter discovered to produce the plant pigment chlorophyll.

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由于和妈妈这趟远足实在太累了,小怪物在回家的火车上愉快地睡着了。In spite of his difficulties, Little Critter falls asleep happily on the train going home, exhausted from the big outing with his mother.

小怪物的棒球手套不见了。为了找到它,小怪物只好开始收拾他那间乱糟糟的房间。In this hilarious picture-book tale, the very popular Little Critter is forced to clean up his room in order to find his lost baseball mitt.

他一开始不相信女儿所说的被蝎子螫了一下,但后来他看见箱子底下真的有蝎子跑来跑去。He initially didn't believe his daughter when she said she had been stung by a scorpion, but then he saw the critter scurry underneath a box.

但产生能量的过程并不完美,有少部份的氧会再生成一种恶劣的形式,叫做自由基,或称为氧化剂,这正是让金属生锈的傢伙。But the conversion isn't perfect. A small amount of oxygen is regenerated in a nasty form called a free radical, or oxidant—the very critter that causes metal to rust.

去年这只可爱的小动物在美国被人遗弃,之后她被送到德国莱比锡动物园,现在她的斗鸡眼问题反而吸引了许多民众的关注。The cute little critter was sent to Leipzig Zoo after being abandoned in the US last year, and she's attracting so much attention because of a disorder that makes her a little cross-eyed.