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“这毫不奇怪,所有的狗都会这样。”我说。"This nowise oddness, all dog would so. "I say.

最后现场一名少女毫不费力地获得胜利。Most Hou the spot a young girl nowise and hard to tacklely become champion.

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被王安石听到了,毫不留情的就给了她脑袋一记。Be listened by Wang An Shi, nowise show consideration of give her head a record.

用这种办法,我们可以毫不费尽地把油和醋分开。Use this kind of way, we can nowise the fee separates the oil and the vinegar to the utmost.

我们可以毫不夸张地说,社会各行各业都与软件已经密不可分。We can say on nowise the ground, the social every vocation is already inseparable with software.

毫不利己,专门害人,连自己的子孙都差点弄死了!Nowise benefit oneself, exclusively harm a person, connect own descendants to all almost put to death!

有了他们,我会勇敢的向前迈进,即便会跌跌撞撞也毫不畏惧!Had them, I would be brave to move forward forward, will fall to bump to also be afraid nowise even if!

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起身过去,一把扯过黎渊的小脚毫不手软的把飞镖拔了下来。Start in the quondam, an once pulled the small feet of Li Yuan to nowise and hand goes limply pluck out throw down.

“真聪明。”我毫不吝啬地表扬她,她一脸得意的表情。"True cleverness. "I nowise and illiberality give public recognition her and she be a face of satisfied facial expression.

只要你不与他们直接竞争,人们都会出奇地慷慨毫不吝惜时间。As long as you do not compete with them directly, people would surprisingly the generosity is nowise stingy to cherish time.

云初雪内心隐隐不安,对靳天择,她的确毫不了解,一无所知。Cloud beginning snow heart is unclear embarrassment, to the Jin natural selection, she actually nowise understands and knows not a entity.

要联合起所有的同类,毫不吝惜地向世界奉献出属于自己的一星浅绿。Want to start to unite to be all the same kind, nowise stingy cherish ground toward world to offer belongs to own of one star is light green.

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面对小狐一而再再而三的闪躲,燕惊鸿的话毫不留情的刺穿小狐的耳膜。Face small fox a but again and again but 3 of shirk being seen, Yan the words of the surprised Hong nowise show consideration of stab the ear drum of small fox.

一桌的人面面相觑,头一次见到某憨男毫不掩饰的腹黑行为,着实受到了不小的冲击。A chart of person face face perusing Qu premier sees the abdomen that the some Han masculine nowise cover up black action and really was subjected to not small impact.

他表现出对生活的失望,描述了在公平和不公平之间的冲突与斗争,毫不留情地揭露社会的丑恶。He expresses to the living disappointment, describing in the conflict of the fair and unfair and struggle, show consideration the ground to make public the society nowise despicable.

但成绩属于过去,成功还看未来,前面的道路很长,我会用我的真诚和实力去探索,追求,毫不松懈。But the result belong to pass by, succeeding to still see future, the anterior road is long very, I will investigate with my sincerity and real strenght, pursue, being slacken nowise.

遇上风雨交加,它也能畅行无阻,夜晚照样飞行,其飞行本领毫不逊色普通的飞机。Meet to hand over to add up the rains and winds, it also the ability is spreads widely to have no Resistance , the night flies as usual, it flies the nowise inferior to and general airplane of skill.