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你很急切的想看看这个世界的救世主?You are eager to behold the world's deliverer?

并非将其作为传递者,而是作为被人们排斥的人。Not so much Moses as just deliverer but Moses as someone rejected by the people.

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耶和华赐给以色列人一位拯救者,使他们脱离亚兰人的手。The Lord provided a deliverer for Israel, and they escaped from the power of Aram.

这个世界的救世主可能会割下我的脑袋或者把我当做调料喂给她的龙。The world's deliverer may snick off my head or give me to her dragons as a savory.

天主是我的堡垒,我的高塔和解脱者,我的盾牌,我可以信赖的依靠。My goodness and my fortress. My high tower and deliverer. My shield and He in whom I trust.

主耶稣基督,我承认我需要祢,我接受祢成为我的救主、我的救赎主、我的主、我的释放者。Lord Jesus, I acknowledge my need of you and accept you as my Savior, my redeemer, my Lord and my deliverer.

神却藉那在荆棘中显现之使者的手,差派他作首领,作救赎的。He was sent to be their ruler and deliverer by God himself, through the angel who appeared to him in the bush.

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神却藉那在荆棘中显现之使者的手,差派他作首领,作救赎的。the same did God send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush.

与库房所有人员,货物收货员,货物交货员及收货人保持良好的沟通交流。Interacts and cooperates with all sub section in the storeroom, merchandise receiver, merchandise deliverer and with receiving clerk.

各地的埃及人都视亚历山大为伟大的救主,多年来饱受波斯人欺压的希腊和埃及终于统一。Wherever he goes, Alexander is embraced by the Egyptians as the Great Deliverer. Linked by years of Persian oppression, Greece and Egypt are at last united under a single sovereign.

以色列人呼求耶和华的时候,耶和华就为他们兴起一位拯救者救他们,就是迦勒兄弟基纳斯的儿子俄陀聂。And when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD, the LORD raised up a deliverer to the children of Israel, who delivered them, even Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother.