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我中暑了。I got sunstroke.

我恐怕是中暑了。Iam afraid I've got sunstroke.

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她因中暑而接受治疗。She was treated for sunstroke.

你可能中暑了。You probably have a sunstroke.

夏今防中暑,荷叶同粥煮。Lotus leaf porridge prevents sunstroke.

1912年的奥运会马拉松比赛中,一名葡萄牙运动员因为中暑而去世。A Portugal athlete died of sunstroke in 1912

一个客人因为中暑而接受了治疗。One of the guests was treated for sunstroke.

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天气太热,以致她中暑了。The weather was so hot that she got sunstroke.

行进途中有几个人中暑退出了。As they marched, a few got sunstroke and dropped out.

在炎热的阳光底下工作很容易引起中暑。One who works under the hot sun is liable to sunstroke.

炙热的高温使有些人因中暑脱水而死亡。In scorching heat, some people have died of sunstroke and dehydration.

游客在中午很容易中暑,而在晚上很容易冻僵。Tourists get sunstroke easily at noon while feel frozen stiff in the evening.

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室外活动得防暑降温,居家生活也要清凉一“夏”。Outdoor activities need sunstroke prevention while indoor life also needs a "cool" summer.

她身体糟糕到了这种程度,以至于冬天都不敢见太阳,怕中暑。Her health was such that she wound not dare to be exposed to the sun even in winter lest she got sunstroke.

如果你想避免中暑,舒适的气候,仲夏的阿里山将是一个不错的选择。If you want to avoid sunstroke , the comfortable climate in midsummer on Ali Mountain will be a good choice.

人体无法排汗意味着任何一个热天或者剧烈的活动都会让他们中暑。The human body has no way to perspire implying any hot weather or the acute activity may let them get sunstroke.

针对连日的高温天气,车站出台了防暑降温措施,保证行车安全。In recent hot days, the Bus Station has also taken effective measures to prevent sunstroke and ensure road safety.

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最后,王书记向爱登堡一线员工赠送防暑降温物品,并嘱咐企业在炎热夏日工作中应做好降暑降温等工作。Wang offered summer cooling items to Edunburgh's front line workers, and told them pay attention to sunstroke prevention.

西洋菜在香港是无人不晓的蔬菜,喝西洋菜饮料以消暑、避孕在香港已成为一种消费的新时尚。In Hong Kong, watercress is a well-known vegetable and it has become a new fad to drink watercress drinks to prevent sunstroke and realize contraception.

服务内容包括足疗、推拿、按摩、拨火罐、刮痧、修脚、采耳等。The item includes Foot Massage, Body Massage, Cupping, Treatment for sunstroke by scraping the patient's neck, chest or back, Pedicure, Ear Treatment etc.