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他呼出的团团白气,模糊了脑袋后面的冰墙。His breath steamed in the air, fogging the ice behind his head.

他们没有先入为主的期望,那将混淆他们的判断。They don’t have predetermined expectations fogging theirjudgment.

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我想看了这些细节详情我们反被弄糊涂了。I think we're just fogging the issue by looking at all these details.

比较了不同涂料的雾化值及性能。The fogging value and performances of various coatings were compared.

由于鼻子周围十分密封,所以眼镜上几乎不会起雾。I had very little fogging of my glasses with a good seal around the nose.

自然透湿阻碍了雾和腐败的窗口包。Natural moisture permeability deters fogging and spoilage of window packs.

围绕卡钦斯基飞机失事有许多事情让人觉得神秘莫测。There have been some mysterious things fogging over the cause of the crash.

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像在镜子上蒙上水雾一样在钻戒上蒸一层水汽,可以鉴别钻石真伪。You can tell if your rock is the real thing by fogging it up like a mirror.

低雾化性是生产家具革,特别是汽车、飞机等座垫用革的特殊要求。In upholstery application especially in automobiles and aircraft, low fogging is required.

尤其针对透明树脂表面改性,作了深入的讨论,并提出了自己的解决办法。In addition, we bring forward a ways to improve the properties of anti fogging & anti frosting.

口腔和鼻腔喷雾杯减少减轻死领空,限制重新呼吸呼出的空气。Oral nasal cup reduces fogging and lessens dead air space, limiting re-breathing of exhaled air.

留意玻璃蒙上水汽和水击打在淋浴门或门帘上的声音。Take note of the glass fogging up and the sound of the water hitting the shower door or curtain.

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同时,对车灯的结雾问题和配光镜表面的温度分布进行了试验。Experiments are done on the fogging problem and the temperature field distribution of lamp cover.

消除油霜,重在预防,加强脱脂,选择低雾化值的加脂剂加脂。The spew could be controlled by strengthening degreasing and choosing low fogging value fatliquor.

我靠着车门,端详着它们,细细地数着每个,我的哈气从车窗底升起。I leaned against the door to inspect them, closely counting each one, my breath fogging up the window pane.

并进行了大量的雾化技术实验,得出直流闪蒸技术在特定的压力温度下能满足级间加湿的需要。From a great deal of fogging experiment, getting that the direct-flash technique can satisfy the experiment.

以此可作为选择测井电缆的电参数和有关电路设计的依据。This paper provides scientific basis for choosing parameters of fogging cables and the design of circuit concerned.

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你寻找着路标,想让它带你到你该去的地方。然而复杂的生活又使你看不清前方的路。You are looking for signs to lead you to where you need to be, but the complexities of life are fogging the picture.

下一次若有人与你谈话时,靠得太近,以至于你的眼镜都蒙上了一层雾时,试试以下的躲避策略。Next time someone stands so close to you that they’re fogging up your eyeglasses, try one of these evasive maneuvers.

当空间有限时,XE地轴架允许地面附近的雾静态或振动配置。When space is limited overhead, XE Floor Stand allows near ground-level fogging for stationary or oscillating set-ups.