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如果说法国的想法是没有谁会接受的,那么德国的设想就是无法付诸于行动的。If the French idea is unacceptable, the German idea is unworkable.

然而有另外一种意识,社会主义被某些人认为是不切实际的。There is, however, another sense in which socialism is thought by some tobe unworkable.

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如果你是个悲观主义者,你可能将这样的回应视为一群幼稚的科学主义者实施了毫无作用的计划。If you are a pessimist, you might see such a response as an unworkable plan of naïve technocrats.

多少人认同那行不通的“更丰盛基督徒生活”的成圣观,陷在感情的漩涡当中,难以自拔。How many are trapped in the emotional turmoil of unworkable 'higher life' views of sanctification?

就像我们以前说的那样,把一个不能用的方案的一部分改变之后有时就产生了一个伟大的方案。As we noted earlier, changing just one aspect of an unworkable solution can sometimes make it a great solution.

数不清的集成项目由于它们的复杂性、成本和不切实际的实现进度安排而失败。Countless integration projects have failed due to their complexity, cost, and unworkable implementation schedules.

由于追求完美的政府目标、忽视预算中的政治因素,PPBS被证明是很难实施的。Since pursuing perfect government goal and neglecting the political factors in the budget PPBS was proved unworkable.

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据悉,一些监管机构认为这样的技术许可协议在当今技术变化如此之快的环境下是行不通的。Some regulators are said to believe that such a licensing agreement would be unworkable given the pace of technology change.

我仍然认为我们不应该在热那亚输球,而他们从阿斯科利那里丢失的两分是因为那个场地的确是难以进行比赛的。I continue to think that we didn't deserve to lose in Genoa, they missed the two points from Ascoli because the field was unworkable.

一个机器人星际探测器,这将是很有必要的,因为在浩瀚的星际距离中发送和接收命令是行不通的很快就会产生长达数年的延迟时间。For a robotic interstellar probe, this will be a necessity asthe vast interstellar distances will quickly generate unworkable time lags ofyears to send and receive commands.

我国以检察机关的侦查监督为主体的侦查权制约体系积弊重重,改革势在必行。Innovation of traditional investigative power model is on the way, as the unworkable of restraint system of investigation power whose principal part is investigative supervision.

你甚至想展示你的“工作”初期草案或者否决的设计,其中很可能有些想法客户也很想尝试,但你被不可行的理由而否决了。You may even want to show your ‘working’–early drafts or rejected designs, which might well include some ideas the client wants to try now, but that you’ve already rejected as unworkable.

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著名商界领袖此前对日本的政坛变迁基本持观望态度,但周二他们开始礼貌而坚定地警告说,鸠山由纪夫的目标可能是行不通的。Prominent business leaders, who have largely remained on the sidelines during Japan's political shift, Tuesday politely but firmly began to warn that Mr. Hatoyama's targets may be unworkable.

这位建筑师一个人所值的额外费用,加诸未来派或实验性设计的费用也将极其高昂这一可能性,使得这一想法无法操作。The additional fee that the architect alone can command, combined with the likelihood that a futuristic or experimental design will also be tremendously more expensive, makes this idea unworkable.