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这些食物减少暑热和燥。These foods reduce the hotness and dryness.

血,血的炙热,血的湿润,血的闪亮。The hotness of it, the wetness, the brightness.

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我们不能让这个性感的家伙枯萎掉,我们必须干预!We can’t let the hotness wither! We must intervene!

血,血的炙热,血的湿润,血的闪亮。Blood. The hotness of it, the wetness, the brightness.

一个寂静的下午,天气热的让所有的人都意兴阑珊。In a quiet afternoon, the hotness made all people looked wan.

你像一个发热的反应,全身上下都热极了。You’re like an exothermic reaction, you spread your hotness everywhere!

冰淇淋是我最喜欢的食物,它能使我感到凉爽和祛除暑热。Ice cream is my favorite food, It can make me feel cool and drives away my hotness.

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这个区域的特点是它的辣味和其高品质的葡萄。The characteristics of this area are its hotness and the high quality of its grapes.

没有什么词语能够形容只有莎尔玛那完美身材才能散发出来的火热。No words can describe the hotness that only a woman of Salma’s proportions could possibly exude.

证据来源于一家婚介网站,在这个网站里会员们互相评估对方的“热辣度”。The proof was in the matchmaking Web site, a site where members rate each others' "hotness."

没有了夏日里的暑意,乡亲们干起农活来都是神采奕奕,多得了几份难得的清闲。Without the hotness in the summer, villagers from farm work to do all of his voice, a rare few have obtained more leisure.

它的作用是补气止血、酸消肿、热化湿、气止痛,并制成袋泡剂。Its role is to fill the gas and hemostasia refine the acerbity and detumescence and clear hotness to moisture ill the pain.

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分布在不同区间内的体感温度对应着不同的暑热指数及户外人群的舒适感受。The body feeling temperature distribution in different scopes corresponds to different hotness index and comfortable feeling of outdoor people.

她们中的每一位都热忱地贡献在这一年的各种事件中,所以需要从中评选出也是有几分难度的。Each one of these women have contributed to the year's overall hotness in one way or another, so it was kind of difficult to find just this many of them.

从前天下被十个太阳照得民不聊生,你派后羿射下九个太阳,从此过着舒适的日子。In the past, people suffered the hotness from ten suns. You ordered Houyi to shoot down the nine. Since then people had never suffered and enjoyed the coolness.

据报道,韩国将从4月底起引进辣椒酱辣味分级标准。According to a report Thursday by the Korea Associated Press, Seoul will introduce the industry standardfor measuring the hotness of chili sauces later this month.

据韩联社1日报道,韩国将从4月底起引进辣椒酱辣味分级标准。According to a report Thursday by the Korea Associated Press, Seoul will introduce the industry standard for measuring the hotness of chili sauces later this month.

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玉石含有人体所需的多种微量元素,有滋阴清热、养神宁志、健身祛病的作用。Jade contain multiple microelements which are necessary to body, it has the function of grow shade , smooth hotness , repose , calm mind , healthy and treat disease.

当冬季来临的时候,天气是那么的冷,以至于食物会很快失去热温,但是我习惯吃东西要吃很长一段时间,所以吃火锅是我最好的选择。When winter comes, the weather is such cold that the food will lose hotness quickly, but I have the habit to eat food for a long time, so eating hot pot is my best choice.

公园水上世界的游泳池中煮饺子般涌满了避暑的市民,在最受欢迎的大型水滑梯上小朋友还排起了队。People thronged at the swimming pool of the Aquatic World to reduce the hotness and many kids were attracted by the most popular giant water slide that a long queue was there.