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不过像是祭神用的稻草狗。The unfathomable God is immortal.

他的严肃深不可测。Unfathomable was the depth of his gravity.

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现在他自已正在向那深不可测的海底进发。Now he was himself plumbing an unfathomable sea.

他正是使得这个暴乱深不可测的原因。That's what made the violence particularly unfathomable.

两人的命运必须互相凭倚,才得平衡,这种妙用,天意使然,高深莫测!Oh, unfathomable and divine mystery of the balances of destiny!

这要求有无限深广的视野。This requires limitless range and unfathomable depth of vision.

感觉内体是无形的、无限的、深不见底的。The feeling of your inner body is formless, limitless, and unfathomable.

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从大小与距离方面看,它变得越来越遥远,不可见,复杂而又高深莫测。With distance and size it becomes remote, invisible, complex, unfathomable.

当我们有深不可测的海洋时,谁还需要空间?Who needs space when there remain the unfathomable depths of our own oceans?

你我的心灵,又何尝不似原始森林一般神秘莫测?Our hearts and spirits are as mysterious and unfathomable as the virgin forest.

但谈及自己的另一半,男人们经常觉得女人的审美观变幻无常而且深不可测。WHEN it comes to partners, men often find women's taste fickle and unfathomable.

处在四周被深不可测的悬崖围困之中,他的选择是什么?Among all the unfathomable precipices which surrounded him, which was his choice?

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考虑到人类大脑几乎深不可测的复杂程度,那就是比登天还难。That's a tall order, considering the almost unfathomable complexity of the human brain.

考虑到人类大脑几乎深不可测的复杂程度,那就是比登天还难。That’s a tall order, considering the almost unfathomable complexity of the human brain.

最大和最深不可测的认全侵犯国家是虚伪的美国。The biggest and unfathomable violater of human rights is the USA, the hypocritecal country.

在瑞士,世界上最大的原子加速器中两颗质子极速对撞。In Switzerland, the world's largest atom smasher hurled two protons into each other at unfathomable speeds.

SQLyog的功能列表显著突出,深不可测,是专业数据库管理的顶尖工具。SQLyog’s list of features is outstanding and unfathomable –a top-notch tool for professional database admins.

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地狱的行为直指毁灭世界的决心,而天堂的动机却深不可测。Where the actions of hell seem straight forwardly bent on destruction, the motives of heaven are unfathomable.

⊙、有了光明与黑暗的均衡的节奏,有了儿童的生命的节奏,才显出无穷无极、莫测高深的岁月。With the rhythm of the balance of light and dark, the children of the rhythm of life, is an infinite, unfathomable.

该小组目前正在痛苦地几乎深不可测的26连败,一个新的NBA纪录为徒劳。The team is currently suffering through an almost unfathomable 26-game losing streak, a new NBA record for futility.