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标准轨距?。Standard Gauge?

数字压力计。Digital Pressure Gauge.

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电离真空计。Ionization Vacuum Gauge.

测量值可能上升和下降。Gauge values can go up and down.

热传导真空计。Thermal Conductivity Vacuum Gauge.

你需要什么规格的电线?What gauge of wire do you require?

拿钻头规来量一下钻头外径。Check the bit O. D. with a bit gauge.

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但我没有真正地估算过,But I don't really have a gauge on it yet

评价一个人的品质是很难的。It is difficult to gauge one's character.

系统的真空度可由真空计来测定。Vacuum system by vacuum gauge to measure.

水位计的抑制锈病和规模。Water gauge for inhibiting rust and scale.

下图显示的就是这个测量组件。The following figure shows the gauge component.

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任何一种非液压表均必须经常校准。Any aneroid gauge must be calibrated frequently.

用气缸压力表可以逐缸测量气缸压力。Check cylinder pressure one by one by this gauge.

用测隙规测量游隙减小量。Measuring clearance reduction with a feeler gauge.

榫锯是一种特殊的墨线戽。A mortice gauge is a special type of marking gauge.

它以量规值的形式引用MIB的整形数据和量规值。It refers to MIB integer and gauge values as gauge.

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手机的电池效力仍然显示满格。The battery gauge still showed full in the morning.

雷达料位计是一种性能卓越的智能型仪表。The radar level gauge is an intelligent instrument.

我们最好的测量地震风险的办法是地质记录。The best gauge of quake risk is the geologic record.