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轻盈的是你的体态。Your posture acts airily.

同样,你的姿势是关键。Also, your posture is key.

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这就是他的战斗姿态。This was his fighting posture.

良好体态对身体有许多益处。Good posture has many benefits.

我对我的姿态不佳毫无办法。Assumed a posture of angry defiance.

保持你的姿态笔直竖立。Keepyour posture straight and erect.

保持你的姿态笔直挺立。Keep your posture straight and erect.

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坐的姿势要端正。The posture of sitting should be good.

这种姿势通常同懒散画上等号。This posture often involves slouching.

以下是关于保持好的体态的5大理由。Here are 5 reasons to have good posture.

好一副“妻管严”的可怜姿态。Good one "wife tube strict" poor posture.

排便姿势是如何影响健康的How bathroom posture affects your health.

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我将保持同样的姿态直到终老,重生。Keeping the same posture till next birth.

有时也用同样的姿态手持钵盂。Sometimes Holding patra one same posture.

他们指出,那是性爱的姿势。That, they suggest, is an erotic posture.

保持体姿的警惕和自信。Keep your body posture alert and confident.

许多人布置好可以坐着战斗的位置。Many arrange to fight in a sitting posture.

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好的体态有利于身体各机能的更好运转。Good posture leads to better body mechanics.

如果你猜的是“站姿”,那你就答对了。If you guessed posture then you are correct.

鱼饵游姿测试达到印假乱真的效果。The swim posture is similar to the real fish.