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现在举国欢腾。Now the whole nation is in jubilation.

全市一片欢腾。The whole city was a scene of jubilation.

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是聚会、喜筵、喜庆的理想之处。Is gathering Xiyan, the ideal of jubilation.

穆巴拉克下台,埃及举国一片欢腾Egypt Erupts in Jubilation as Mubarak Steps Down

日圆走强并没给日本带来欢欣鼓舞。The yen's strength causes little jubilation in Japan.

随后立刻出现了一种欢心鼓舞的气氛。There was a kind of jubilation immediately afterwards.

中国结是中国传统的喜庆结。The Chinese knot is the Chinese tradition jubilation knot.

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金秋十月,国旗招展,举国同庆。Autumn in October, the national flag fluttering, national jubilation.

于是由开始的喜欢变成厌恶,但是从内心还是爱着雯雯。Become by initial jubilation then detest, but still loving Wen Wen from the heart.

这严重阻碍了我国司法鉴定体制以及司法改革的进程。This hinders strongly the process of Judicial Expertise and the Reform of Jubilation.

在瑞典步斯堪的纳维亚老乡——丹麦人之后尘投了反对票以后,反对欧元的阵营欢声一片。Jubilation in the" No" camp as Swedes join fellow Scandinavians, the Danes, to vote against.

船在湖上荡漾,偶尔惊起一行行的野鸭,欢快地叫着飞过水面。The moving of the boat shoos a troop of wild ducks which skip across the lake in jubilation.

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随着美国的欢呼平息下来,其指头早已开始指向伊斯兰堡。As the jubilation subsided in the US, fingers already started to be pointed towards Islamabad.

一个12.9米高的区域也被造起,花儿被设置成可以读出“举国欢庆”的图案。A 12.9-meter-highparterrewas alsoputup-the flowers were set in a patternthatreads" jubilation ".

民间喜在年节喜庆时做成八河北有哪些特产宝饭食用。Folk happy when lunar new year's season jubilation makes the eight-treasure rice pudding edible.

结果,王福随着舅老爷上山才发现土匪山上一片欢腾。The results, along with the master went up into the mountain to uncle et al found the bandits jubilation.

美国太空署署长奥基夫向执行这次使命的官员们表示祝贺,而科学家们不禁欢腾雀跃。Nasa chief Sean O'Keefe congratulated mission officials while scientists jumped up-and-down in jubilation.

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当巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫辞职的电视讲话传遍全国,巴基斯坦民众开始为此庆贺。All over Pakistan, news of President Pervez Musharraf's departure from office has been greeted with jubilation.

科学家承认,只有一个动物返回该物种世世代代活动的范围是很难引起人们欢呼的。The scientists concede that the return of one animal to a species’ ancient range is hardly cause for jubilation.

然而,和来自公共健康部门和保险公司的有关人员交谈之后你会发现,他们并没有为此而欢呼。But when one talks with public health groups and insurance industry representatives, one doesn’t hear jubilation.