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你是说他是娘娘腔?You mean he is effeminate?

它不会使这男孩的心灵柔弱。It will not effeminate the boy's mind.

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柔弱的木质藤本植物,茎四棱。Effeminate woodiness liana, bine 4 arris.

女人气的男人在女性的眼睛里简直不可以容忍。Effeminate men in women's eyes simply can not be tolerated.

他只是你见过的娇气柔弱的小男孩中的一个。He is just one of those little effeminate boys that you see.

只有女人气的程序员才会用的括号比代码还多。Only effeminate programmers use more parentheses than actual code.

这可能使他们看起来有点滑稽,或者更多的有些柔弱。This was probably to make them look ridiculous or more effeminate.

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事实上芭蕾并不‘女人气’,反然而必须健康的体魄才能跳好。There's nothing effeminate about it — you have to be incredibly fit to dance.

如果一个女人阳刚了,会被称为“假男人”,还是不男不女。If a woman's sun just, will be called "false man", be still an effeminate man.

一个娘娘腔的男人不会告诉你,他是同性恋还是异性恋。And an effeminate man doesn't get to tell you if he is homosexual or heterosexual.

女子气的男子,同性恋男子用来指女子气男子的贬义词,尤指同性恋者或同性恋男子。Used as a disparaging term for an effeminate man, especially a gay or homosexual man.

如果你看到一个娘娘腔的同性恋者,你可能会说“又一个证据证明我的看法”If you see an effeminate gay man, you'll probably say, "Ah, more evidence for my theory."

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他是个性格柔弱,有着水汪汪的蓝眼睛,并且头发分成中界的乡村青年。He is an effeminate country youngster with watery blue eyes and hair parted in the middle.

娘娘腔这个词常常被用于,指这一类男子,是吗?The word effeminate the way it is ordinarily used refers to this one sub-class of men. Right?

显而易见,在同等情况下,嗓音越高,声音听起来越阴柔。All things equal, the higher a voice, the more effeminate a voice sounds, for the obvious reasons.

黑夜独哭的人是否都是外表恨坚强,心理却很柔弱呢?Not certain. Cry what cannot represent one individual heart is effeminate , it just abreacts one kind.

究竟他们能否在短短数十天内,把柔弱如羊的村民变成保护家园。After all they whether be in short inside tens of days, effeminate if ovine villager becomes, protect home.

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我对于自己总是担心雇主会发现我过于女人气,或是总是想着在校园里走动时要不要带着喷雾催泪器护身这些想法感到疲惫。I am tired of wondering if a potential employer finds me too effeminate or if I need to carry mace on-campus.

王小贱正值25岁左右的年纪,身材瘦削,有点缺乏男子气概,极力追求生活中美好的事物。Wang is a thin and slightly effeminate young man in his mid-twenties, who is devoted to the finer things in life.

当他开始用手机的时候,我听见他用中文给他的朋友说着什么,并流露出女性化的抚媚动作。When he began to use the mobile telephone, I found that he said something to his friend in Chinese with effeminate gestures.