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每当我有这种想法时,就忍不住咯咯地笑起来。When I hold that thought, I have to chuckle.

“从我的窗口,我看见你们了,”她说,哧的一笑。I saw you from my window, " she said with a chuckle ."

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如今,当我和约翰见面时谈起那一段时光都觉得好笑。Nowadays John and I chuckle about those years when we visit.

孩子们笑着,闹着,还故意把我套住,然后咯咯的笑成一团。The children laughed, noisy and I intentionally and then chuckle into a ball.

当然,每个人都能想象到接下来将要发生什么事情,这很少能不引出一阵笑声。Everyone knows what tends to happen next, yet it rarely fails to elicit a chuckle.

他们所信奉的宗教创始人可并不这样孤芳自赏,”麦克菲尔噗哧一笑说。"The founder of their religion wasn't so exclusive" said Dr Macphail with a chuckle.

“他们所信奉的宗教创始人可并不这样孤芳自赏,”麦克菲尔噗哧一笑说。"The founder of their religion wasn't so exclusive, " said Dr Macphail with a chuckle.

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就像所有的奇迹一样,他最后的岁月都保持在永远抿嘴微笑的状态中。As if his last years were spent in a perpetual state of chuckle at the wonder of it all.

即使双层床那一场戏很明显的没有独创性,但是每次观看我仍然开怀大笑。The bunk bed scene still makes me chuckle out loud, even though it’s clearly derivative.

她的话音儿里隐藏着一声奇怪的窃笑,举止上带有一种威慑,自信的幽默。There was a strange chuckle in her tone, a dangerous and convincing humour in her bearing.

“我上一次受邀去日本是在1945年,那一次我还不太想去呢,”说这些的时候他轻声地笑了。“The last time I was invited to Japan, in 1945, I didn’t much want to go, ” he would chuckle.

“诚然,我们不太愿意吃苦,”陈说,“我们受到更好的教育,我们知道自己的权利。"It’s true we’re less willing to eat bitterness," Chen said with a chuckle. "We’re better educated.

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但是在芭堤雅,官员们对城市能够完全净化的想法嗤之以鼻。But here in Pattaya, officials chuckle derisively at the notion that the city can be totally sanitized.

每次有人在某种形式或者诸如此类的年份列中写00时,它总是嗤之一笑。Every time somebody wrote 00 in the year column of some form or anything of that sort, it gave them a chuckle.

有些观众可能会因为发现这前任副总统的工作证儿而发笑——NOCO2。Some viewers may chuckle when they notice that the license plate on the former Vice President's cab reads NOCO2.

控制室内的技师看完我狼狈的表现后不禁大笑,笑声从对讲机传到驾驶座。The disembodied mirth on the intercom is the control-room technicians having a chuckle over my brief discomfiture.

研究现实会心一笑会给呼吸系统提速、给身体带来氧、让你感到清醒。Research shows that a hearty chuckle revs up the respiratory system, oxygenating the body and making you feel awake.

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她很老了,离死神很近了,但是她却仍很高兴地谈论“死”。她紧紧地搂着我,咯咯地笑个不停。She was so old and close to death and yet she was happy to talk about it. She held me tight and continued to chuckle.

但是只有当逻辑和直觉结合在一起时才能将人们礼貌的轻笑转换成情不自禁的,无法抑制的哄堂大笑。But it’s the combination of logic and intuition that can turn a polite chuckle into a compulsory, drink-spitting outburst.

穆兰下巴翘起,挤出个微笑,然后发出低沉的善意的咯咯笑声,接着她又回到已想好的话题。Mulan gave me a pathetic lower-teeth-revealing smile and grunted a charity chuckle. Then she got back to the topic at hand.