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但是,奴隶们却有可能作乐,有时也作乐。Slaves, however, may be. and sometimes are mirthful.

大声大笑可以说是具有普遍性,快乐的大笑是一种极为积极的情感经历。Laughter is universal. And mirthful , happy laughter is a very positive emotional experience, he says.

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当我看到网页以及那些图片时,我可以感受到洋溢著欢乐气氛的中国新年。When I saw the web page and the pictures, I could feel the mirthful atmosphere of the Chinese New Year.

回忆愉快的往事,怀念欢乐的笑声,天涯海角盼相聚,你我何时重相逢。Let's recall the pleasant past and mirthful laughter and look forward to a day reunion of friends coming from far and wide.

这些患者媒体收看30分钟的喜剧节目,并笑得前仰后合,这大大的降低了他们应激激素肾上腺素的水平。Those who were prescribed"mirthful laughter"in the form of 30 minutes of comedy every day found their stress hormone levels fell.

许多研究表明真正开心地笑能减轻压力,放松心情而且有益健康。Studies have shown that mirthful laughter, the kind that stems from real joy, relieves stress, lightens mood and confers health benefits.

由于该词历来有高兴的含义,因此这一落款尤其适用于通信主题的性质为庆贺时使用。Given the term's mirthful history, this valediction is particularly apropos if the subject matter of your correspondence is celebratory or congratulatory in nature.

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“也没有逗得大家哄堂大笑的”快乐的安德鲁“说那些由于笑料选出、虽已流传上百年、仍让人百听不厌的笑话。No Merry Andrew, to stir up the multitude with jests, perhaps hundreds of years old, but still effective, by their appeals to the very broadest sources of mirthful sympathy.

洛玛琳达大学研究发现,“开心的笑”能够减少应激激素皮质醇和儿茶酚胺,和体育运动产生一样的效果一样。A study by Loma Linda Universityfound that ' mirthful laughter' reduces the stress hormones cortisol and catecholamines, much the same way that moderate physical exercise does.

医生们将“开怀大笑”比作“体内的慢跑”,因为它有助于降低血压,缓解压力,犹如中等强度的锻炼一样,达到提高身体免疫能力的效果。Doctors describe "mirthful laughter" as the equivalent of "internal jogging" because it can lower blood pressure, stress and boost the immune system much like moderate exercise.

这群活泼可爱的小朋友于一月份新马巡迴访演,获得侨界热烈迴响及好评不断。The mirthful and vigorous performers had just won lots of encores and wonderful feedback from audiences overseas during the musical journey to Singapore and Malaysia in January.

中国婚礼是如此简单但这么多欢乐,我不介意去了,但是我可能需要一个媒人,猜猜我将任命谁。The protocol of a Chinese marriage is so simple but so much mirthful that I would't mind going for it but then I may require a go-between and there is no prize for guessing whom I will appoint.