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同位素红血球扫描发现空肠处出血。Scintigraphy with Technetium-labeled red blood cells showed jejunal bleeding.

心肌灌注闪烁照相术对缺血程度估计提供辅助资料。Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy provides complementary data for assessing ischemic burden.

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目的探讨放射性核素在亚急性甲状腺炎中的表现及其作用。Objective To evaluation the manifest and effect of scintigraphy in the subacute thyroiditis.

结论肾动态显像检查有助于RVH的诊断。Conclusion Renal scintigraphy is a noninvasive and effective examination in diagnosis of RVH.

目的评价超声、核素影像学在亚急性甲状腺炎诊断中的作用。Objective To evaluation the diagnostic value of ultrasonography and scintigraphy in the subacute thyroiditis.

本篇要报告一个结核性脊椎炎在镓-67核医扫描检查中出现伪阴性结果的病例。A false negative result of Ga-67 scintigraphy was demonstrated in a case of tuberculous spondylitis in this report.

在检查副甲状腺功能亢进方面,核医造影为一种简单、安全的第一线检查方法。Scintigraphy is simple, safe and first step imaging technique for the detection of hyperfunctioning parathyroid glands.

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本研究表明放射性核素标记VIP可望成为一有效的肿瘤VIP受体显像剂。The present study demonstrated that the radioactive labelled VIP is a promosing agent for tumor VIP receptor scintigraphy.

此外,在术后2、4、6周,接受放射性核素骨显像检测,以分析骨代谢活性的变化。Bone scintigraphy was performed 2, 4, and 6 weeks after the surgery to investigate the variance of the bone metabolism activity.

这是一例泪腺腺样囊性上皮癌由常规骨扫描中首次发现合并肝转移的罕见病例。The case of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the lacrimal gland with hepatic metastases shown on bone scintigraphy had been rarely reported.

我们对46例冠心病患者及12名作对照的正常人进行了心脏铊201灌注闪烁检查。Thallium-201 myocardial perfusion scintigraphy was performed in 46 patients with coronary artery disease and 12 normal control subjects.

临床上结核性脊椎炎是很难被诊断出来的一种疾病,而镓-67闪烁造影检查在侦测结核性脊椎炎上是一种有用的检查。Tuberculous spondylitis is a difficult condition to diagnose clinically. However, Ga-67 scintigraphy can playa useful role in its detection.

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我们要强调的是当骨骼闪烁造影的结果异常而镓-67闪烁造影检查正常时结核性脊椎炎的可能性必须被考虑进去。We emphasize that tuberculous spondylitis has to be considered in the condition of a positive Tc-99m MDP bone scan while negative on Ga-67 scintigraphy.

目的设计一种新型的基于闪烁扫描法的人体肠道微型诊疗胶囊的实时定位跟踪系统。Objective The new real-time location system based on Gamma scintigraphy is designed to satisfy the location research on micro-system in the gastrointestinal tract.

在判断桥本病中,超声的特异性优于核素,若结合实验室检查可提高诊断符合率。In estimate hashimoto thyroiditis, the specificity of ultrosonogrphy excel scintigraphy. If laboratory examination is combined, the accurate diagnose rate is enhanced.

提示经皮脾门静脉核素显像可作为预测肝硬化食管静脉曲张破裂出血的重要手段。It suggests that the per-splenic scintigraphy be one of efficient and safe method for predicting the hemorrhage from esophageal varices in patients with liver cirrhosis.

三相核素骨扫描是早期检测异位骨化的最敏感指标,并可以判断病变的活动性和成熟度。The most sensitive imaging modality for early detection of HO is three-phase bone scintigraphy which can also monitor the metabolic activity and degree of maturity of HO.

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结果表明肝胆动态显像检查可以显示出胆管结石时肝胆排泄功能的异常,ROI技术能够提高早期胆道梗阻的诊断率。Abnormal changes in hepatobiliary excretion function in cholelithiasis can be showed by hepatobiliary scintigraphy. ROI and TAC can improve the diagnosis rate of early biliary tract obstruction.

为进一步鑑别诊断,因此安排一百微居里碘-131甲状腺核子医学扫描,结果显示左侧单一自主毒性功能结节,且抑制左侧其他组织及右侧甲状腺功能。To further clarify the nature of the lesions, patient received the 131I scintigraphy which showed a solitary autonomously functioning thyroid nodule. The rest of the thyroid tissue was suppressed.