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是的,这项行动也会有反作用。And yes, there will be a backlash.

李新明说,他没有被报道引起的反响吓倒。He said he isn't daunted by the backlash.

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贸易抵制让日本在很多方面感到很难受。The business backlash stings Japan in many ways.

广东江门禁狗令因公众抗议而停止执行。S. China city ends dog ban after public backlash.

巴克将面临利物支持者的回击。Buck will face the backlash of the Liverpool fans.

现在,曾经有一个反冲的反弹。Now, there has been a backlash against the backlash.

要让反冲和反噬效果同时表现良好更有难度。Having backlash and backdraft play nice together is harder.

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双系统会导致蠕虫病毒很容易调整反弹。Dual lead worm system would be very easy to adjust backlash.

如有不加顾念者五雷诛灭。If there is not add regard for the five ray backlash destroy.

他和其他学者认为,这种倾向造成了反弹。That propensity, he and others argue, has created a backlash.

如今这种愈演愈烈的势头带来的风险是,政府可能对斗蟋蟀严加管制。The danger of pushing the limits today is a government backlash.

您可以看到为什么对这种形式的解耦会有激烈的反对。You can see why there's a backlash against this style of decoupling.

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还好雪崩没有砸到我可是它一定产生了某种反冲。Luckily it missed me, but there must have been some kind of Backlash.

然而,如果他呼吁削减企业税,强烈反对的声音可能更大。The backlash would be greater if he called for a cut in corporate taxes.

交叉馈电的双螺母设计使可以进行连续齿隙调整。Double nut design on crossfeed leadscrew for continuous backlash adjustment.

然而,“降温屋顶”的倡导者的热情也引发了一些民意反弹。Still, the ardor of the cool-roof advocates has prompted a bit of a backlash.

前国家安全顾问斯考克罗夫特认为,可能会有反作用。Former National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft says there may be a backlash.

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我希望从医学进步中受益,而避免和自然对抗。I want to benefit from medical progress while circumventing nature's backlash.

但在中国的社交媒体上大多数人表达了强烈的反对。But on Chinese social media most commenters expressed bafflement at the backlash.

这句话立刻引起了强烈的反响,导致了大量唱片焚烧和抗议行动。The backlash was instantaneous and resulted in mass record burnings and protests.