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这并不意味着你占了他们的便宜。That doesn’t mean you mooch off of other people.

到什么样的程度才可以说一个朋友变成一个贪小便宜的人呢?这其实是个频繁度的问题。At what point does a friend become a mooch ? It's a matter of frequency.

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这样会使经常缠着我蹭饭吃的人产生非分之想。It goes far beyond the guy who always wants to mooch lunch off of me, too.

玩家控制达尔文,G力组长,监察突击队央求家蝇。Players control Darwin, the G-Force team leader, and housefly surveillance commando Mooch.

不少的丑陋及欺骗为了达到自己的目的披着爱情的彩衣招摇撞骗。Many is ugly and the deceit in order to achieve own goal throw over love colored clothing to mooch.

这些寄住在红蚁巢穴的蝴蝶毛虫,有时学着蚂蚁幼虫摇动自己的脑袋乞求免费的午餐。And they mooch free meals in part by waggling their heads to beg for food like all the other ant grubs.

粘著不放直到对方厌倦,大醉一场把实话说了然后分手。Mooch off of them until they get sick of you. Get real drunk and confess your feelings, and then break up.

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你的捐款养活了那些在社会上游手好闲,而对社会几乎没什么回报的吃白食的人。Your religious donations fund freeloaders who mooch off society but who generally provide little or no value in return.

不论是你喋喋不休的老妈,还是他经常来占便宜的老哥,双方的亲戚都可能会导致你们的关系紧张。Whether it’s your nosy mother, or her mooch of a younger brother, in-laws can introduce some serious tension into your relationship.

这一政策实施之前并没有对老年人作生活状况的调查,因此预付了自己药品保证金的老年人就有了换而讹诈纳税人的诱因。It is not means-tested, so old people who previously paid for their own drug coverage have an incentive to mooch off the taxpayer instead.

简单地坐在后面休息,自知不用去打拼自己的XP,只要等着你的主人升级然后你就能从她那儿蹭到几个新的生命骰了。Must be really easy, sitting back and relaxing, knowing that you don't have to earn your own XP, waiting for your master to score a new level so you can mooch a few new Hit Dice of her.

这两头母子麋鹿住在机场附近,它们长嘴的同类在阿拉斯加原野上无处不在的骑车道和步道上到处行走。Mother and baby live near the airport, while their protuberantly lipped kin mooch about on the cycling and hiking trails by which the encircling Alaskan wilderness infiltrates and permeates the city.