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让我们学习不要抚弄撒旦。Let us learn not to fondle Satan.

丢弃你的羞怯,大胆地爱抚我。Discard your pudency, fondle me audaciously.

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幸福是什么?她带些许挑弄的延伸看着我。What is happiness? With some fondle extension, she looked at me.

又有些心疼地伸手去抚他的眉心。Again some between the eyebrowses that extend hand to fondle him.

父母疼爱新生儿,往往抱来抱去,爱不释手。Parents love newborn, often holding to embrace to fondle admiringly.

小狗怀疑大宇宙阴谋篡夺它的位寘。The fondle dog suspects the universe for scheming to take its location.

“对”大夫说,然后开始摸她的咪咪。"That's right, " says the doctor. He then begins to fondle her breasts.

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东偏南15度,享受微风最温柔的轻抚。East 15 degree to south, enjoy the smoothest fondle of the gentle breeze.

你可以把它们拿去展览,可以轻抚它们,或者心生敬佩的凝视着它们——但就是千万别穿上它们!Display them, gently fondle them or stare at them in awe -- just don't put them on.

我的手慢慢地滑向你的跨部,开始抚弄你那已经肿起来的下体。My hand works its way down to your crotch and begins to fondle your huge, swelling bulge.

一个褶皱、一条腰线,甚至一颗纽扣都匠心独运,让人爱不释手。Line of an a drape, waist, even a button ingenuities carry alone, let a person fondle admiringly.

许是收藏人共同的眼光,对彼此心爱的物件,他俩也都爱不释手。Xu had collect person's common eye, lovely things to each other, they are also fondle admiringly.

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他心疼地揉抚着她用力砸门的手,细心安抚。He heartache floor crumple to fondle she makes an exertion to hit a door of hand, decoration pacifies.

上次,他甚至在一家服装店里假装足病医生,以抚弄和吮吸一个女人的脚趾。Last time, he even pretended to be a podiatrist in order to fondle and suck a woman's toes at a clothing store.

让您在爱不释手之中充分品味高雅的风姿、柔美的曲线和无穷无尽的遐想。You will fondle admiringly and taste its exquisite charm, gently beautiful curve and inexhaustible reverie fully.

于是志自得满,对此弩更是爱不释手,当作了本人不离身的趁手兵器。YuShiZhi complacent full, this is fondle admiringly, as a crossbow body of himself from the so-called pils weapon.

美观,大方,鲜艳的色彩,大方的外形,加上漂亮的图案,让人爱不释手。Beautiful, generous, bright-coloured colour, generous shape, plus beautiful design, let a person fondle admiringly.

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吉他爱不释手,香烟永不妥协,答应自己要以最舒服的轨迹划向每一个明天!Guitar fondle admiringly, cigarette never compromise, promise to the most comfortable track to cross every tomorrow! ! !

我让你摸了我的胸,这是你人生最辉煌的一刻,跟你以前的体验的确没法比,连蛋糕都没门儿。I let you fondle my chest, and it was a glorious moment for you unmatched by anything you've experienced, including cake.

相信,家里的小朋友一定会爱不释手,而童心未泯的您也会把它当成宝贝。Believe, the child in the home can fondle admiringly certainly, and still retain childlike you also can regard it as baby.